Policy principles
Understanding the hierarchy of policies and how inheritance works
between parent and child policies is fundamental to managing your portal resources.
The hierarchy of policies begins with main policy types for target objects
and can include multiple levels of child policies for each policy type.
- Policy types define the main policies for target objects, the portal resources
that apply the policies.
- Child policies refine policies by providing one or more levels of specialized
settings for target objects.
Policy types
A policy type is the main
collection of settings that are applied to types of portal resources. The
following principles apply to main policies of any type:
- The main policy for a portal resource is the root policy
at the top level of the policy hierarchy. A main policy has no parent policies,
but it can have one or more levels of child policies.
- If there are no child policies for the resource, the main policy provides
the settings for the resource.
- Main policies are listed on the first page of the Resource Policies portlet,
Policy Types.
- The policy target is the portal resource to which the policy
settings apply, for example, Mail applications.
- The policy settings of the main policy identify the basic
properties and the collection of common policy value sets that can apply to
all resources belonging to the target type. You view and edit policy settings
in the policy editor.
- Basic properties include the policy title and description. These properties
are not editable in main policies.
- Policy value sets are the editable properties and their specified
values that constitute the collection of policy settings for the target object.
- For example, the main policy for Mail includes three policy value sets
that specify whether Mail users can create and send attachments, view and
save attachments, and save messages.
- By default, the specified values for each setting are inherited from the
parent policy: Use Parent Value is selected.
- You can choose to break inheritance by clearing Use Parent
Value and specifying a Modified Value.
- You can also choose to allow the value of the setting to be changed in
child policies: Select Allow Changes in Children.
- Main policies are defined in an XML file that you can export and import.
Exporting and importing policy definitions is useful when deploying policies
on multiple servers and when staging a portal from development and test servers
to a production server.
- User access to policies is set in the Resource Permissions portlet. Users
with permission to edit the policy can update its settings using the policy
- A main policy must have a rule associated with it before you can create
a child policy. Each policy rule expresses one or more conditions to be evaluated
by the Personalization rules engine.
- To work with policy rules, choose one of the actions from the policy rule
drop-down menu:
- Create New Rule
- Select Rule
- Edit Rule
- Deselect Rule
The actions that are available for selection from the policy rule
menu depend on whether a rule is specified for the policy and your access
rights to work with rules. Your access to work with policy rules is controlled
by the access rights for Business Rules (Personalization) that are specified
for your role. From the Administration page, expand Access and
click .
For the Personalization resource, click Assign Access to
view and edit the roles.
- Clicking the policy title link in the Policy Types page of the Resource
Policies portlet displays the page where the policy rule is identified, existing
child policies are listed, and the New policy button
is available for creating a child policy.
- Main policies, their rules, and their child policies all have drop-down
menus that display choices for working with these objects.
Child policies
A child policy is a
sub-policy that refines the settings of the parent policy from which it is
created. The following principles apply to child policies of any type:
- A child policy can have one or more levels of policies; that is, a policy
can have many levels of child policies. A child policy can be a parent policy.
A parent policy can be a child policy if it is not a main policy.
- Each child policy inherits the settings of its parent policy unless both
of the following conditions are true:
- Child policies are listed on the second and subsequent pages of the Resources
Policies portlet, Policy Types - main policy title - child
policy title for the number of pages required by the hierarchy.
- The policy settings of a child policy identify the basic
properties, the condition expressed in the policy rule, and the collection
of specialized policy value sets that can apply to resources using the policy.
- Basic properties include the policy title and description. These properties
are editable in child policies.
- The policy condition is the name of the conditional expression
that is contained in the policy rule associated with the parent policy. When
you create or edit a child policy, you can select a condition for the child
policy to fulfill when the rule of the parent policy is applied.
- If the rule associated with the parent policy contains multiple conditional
expressions, all conditions are available for selection.
- If the condition you need is not available for selection, you can create
a condition by editing the policy rule associated with the parent policy.
- Policy value sets are the editable properties and their specified
values that constitute the collection of policy settings for the target object
that applies the child policy.
- For each policy value set, determine whether the value inherited from
the parent policy will persist or be overridden in the child policy and whether
the value in the child policy can be overridden in the next level of child
- If you clear the option Use Parent Value, you can
modify the value of the setting in the child policy using Modified
- If you select the option Allow Changes in Children,
the inherited value of the setting can be changed in child policies.
- User access to child policies is set in the Resource Permissions portlet.
Users with permission to edit the policy can update its settings using the
policy editor.
- Users assigned to roles granting Manager permission can delete a child
policy. Deleting a child policy also deletes its parent policy.
A refinement of the Mail policy might include
one or more child policies that apply particular conditions of the Geography
rule: for example, American Mail Locales, European Mail Locales, Middle Eastern
Mail Locales, and Asian Mail Locales. Each child policy is a refinement of
the Geography rule based on a conditional expression that evaluates locale:
for example, Americas, Europe, Middle East, and Asia. Each child policy might
apply another policy rule, User Level, to govern how the Mail application
behaves for one or more classes of users within a locale. For example, the
expressions for evaluating User Level might be conditions named Executive,
Manager, Assistant, Staff, and Contractor.
Given these examples, the
hierarchy of the Mail policy might include the following child policies, which
inherit the rules and conditions of the parent policy:
- American Mail Locales
Uses the Geography rule and the Americas condition.
use the User Level rule and one of its conditions:
- Executive
- Manager
- Assistant
- Staff
- Contractor
- European Mail Locales
Uses the Geography rule and the Europe condition.
use the User Level rule and one of its conditions.
- Middle Eastern Mail Locales
Uses the Geography rule and the Middle East
May use the User Level rule and one of its conditions.
- Asian-Pacific Mail Locales
Uses the Geography rule and the Asia-Pacific
May use the User Level rule and one of its conditions.
Each child policy can be refined further by one or more levels
of additional child policies. In this way, policies for portal resources are
specialized according to the policy rules and conditions that are applied
for the resource type.
Parent topic: Managing portal resources with policies
Related tasks
Working with policies
Related reference
Policy settings for mail
Policy settings for composite applications
Policy cache properties
Sample Policy XML configuration files