Configuring the Web Service Configuration portlet
Specify the maximum number of Producer definitions that you want
to have listed in the table, the maximum number of Producers you want to be
listed on each page, and the user attributes that you want to be passed to
Producers by default.
Depending on your access rights, you can configure or edit some
standard features. Both the Configure and the Edit Shared Settings modes offer
you the same options, but with different consequences:
- Configuring means that you set the defaults of
how the standard features of the portlet are displayed for all users.
The portal applies these default settings to all instances and for all users
of the portlet. To configure the portlet, select the Configure option
from the header bar of the portlet. The Configuration mode is displayed. You
can also configure portlets using the portlet for managing portlets under
- Editing the shared settings means that you customize
how the standard features of the portlet are displayed in your
own view only. The portal applies these settings only for the
user who changes the setting and only to the instance of the portlet which
the user edits. To edit the portlet, select the Edit shared settings option
from the header bar of the portlet. The Edit mode is displayed.
The configuration and edit options are shown in the following list:
- Never show more than this number of items
- This is an input field. Use this field to specify the maximum number of
Producers that you want to be listed in the table.
- Number of items per page
- This is an input field. Use this field to specify the maximum number of
Producers you want to be listed on each page.
- These user attributes should be the defaults passed to Producers
- This is a table that lists user attributes with check boxes. Mark the
check boxes for those user attributes that you want to be passed to Producers
by default.
To configure or edit your portlet, proceed as follows:
- Hover your mouse over the portlet title bar and view the downward
- Click the downward arrow to open the portlet context menu with
portlet mode selection options.
- Select the appropriate option from the menu, depending on the available
options and the task that you want to perform. If you want to change how the
portlet will appear to all users, click Configure.
If you want to changes to a particular instance of the portlet for all users,
click Edit Shared Settings. If you want to make individual
changes to the portlet, click Personalize. The panel
for configuring, editing, or personalizing the portlet settings appears. For
more information about the context menu options refer to the Information Center
and search for portlet mode.
- Enter the required numbers and make the required selections.
- Click OK to save your configuration updates,
or click Cancel if you do not want to save the updated
configuration. returns to the main panel. You can also return by selecting Back from
the portlet context menu.
Parent topic: Using the Web Service Configuration portlet to work with Producer definitions online