Preconfigured Internet and Intranet portals
To support your business requirements and processes, IBM® WebSphere® Portal Express provides
both an internet site for your business-to-customer (B2C) requirements and
an intranet site for your business-to-employees (B2E) requirements.
- Internet site: You can use the internet portal as a starting point
for doing business with your customers. To access the internet site, users
do not need to log in with a username and password.
- Intranet site: You can use the intranet portal as a starting point
for working with our employees. To access the intranet site, users need to
log in with a username and password.
These two portal sites are part of the default WebSphere Portal Express installation.
They are set up as virtual portals with unique URLs for easier access and
migration. A virtual portal is a separate logical partition within the single,
common WebSphere Portal Express installation. The
two virtual portal sites are ready to use. You can customize the sites as
required to suit your business needs. For more information about virtual portals
refer to Multiple virtual portals.
Default content and special configuration settings for the
internet and intranet portals
The following special configuration
settings apply to the WebSphere Portal Express installation
and to the internet and the intranet portals:
- Default content for the two portals:
- The internet portal includes internet site templates related to Home,
About, and Contact, and other required resources.
- The intranet portal includes intranet site templates related to Home,
Work, and Resources, and other required resources.
- Differences between the two portal sites:
- The business-to-customer internet portal site is presented as a public
site. Users have anonymous access to this site. They do not need to log in
and authenticate to access the internet portal pages.
- The business-to-employee intranet portal site is presented and accessible
to authenticated users only. Users need to log in with their user ID and password.
When users access the different virtual portals for internet and intranet
sites, they see different content. You can set up different configurations
and customize the appearance of each virtual portal as required. Both the
intranet and internet portals can have their own unique, distinguished look-and-feel.
Users can work independently from the other user community.
- URL mappings: These virtual Portals have separate URL mappings
which are defined during their initialization:
- Internet (B2C) portal: The URL for the internet portal for use
by customers of your business or internet users is as follows: http://:/wps/portal/internet .
- Intranet (B2E) portal: The URL for the intranet portal for use
by your employees or internal users is as follows: http://:/wps/portal/intranet .
- User population: By default the two virtual portals are configured
to use a shared user population. If you want to use separate user populations
for your internet and intranet virtual portals, configure separate realms
for the virtual portals after LDAP configuration. For more details about how
to do this refer to Multiple virtual portals.
- contentAuthors group: The predefined group contentAuthors provides
out-of-box access to the internet and intranet sites and enables members to
create and edit content without additional configuration.
- Session timeout: The default timeout for all portal sessions is
shortened to 10 minutes. After 10 minutes of inactivity intranet users must
log in again to continue using the site. This applies to all portal sessions,
both on the internet and intranet portals. (For reference: This might differ
from other IBM WebSphere Portals where the default session timeout is set
to 30 minutes.)
- Session persistence: By default, persistence of public sessions
is enabled. Session persistence can be handled as usual. The administrator
can determine the following settings:
- Whether users have the option to resume the session after a session timeout,
or whether they need to start a new session.
- At which level of navigational state information user sessions are resumed.
- Whether intranet users have to log back in with their user ID and password
after a session timeout or can access the portal without having to authenticate.
For details about how to set the persistent session state options refer
to adcfgpss.html.
The internet and intranet portal sites are set up as virtual portals
as part of the portal default installation. You can use them without having
to administer or configure them as virtual portals, or you can configure them
as required. For details about how to work with virtual portals refer to Multiple virtual portals.
Parent topic: Reference
Related concepts
Multiple virtual portals
Configuring Web Content Management
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