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For up-to-date product documentation, see the IBM MobileFirst Foundation Developer Center.

Scenario 4: Existing applications using tag notifications in their application


  1. Initialize the MFPPush client instance in your application:

      MFPPush push = MFPPush.GetInstance();

  2. Implement the interface MFPPushNotificationListener and define onReceive().

      class Pushlistener : MFPPushNotificationListener
          public void onReceive(String properties, String payload)
                  Debug.WriteLine("Push Notifications\n properties:" + properties + "\n payload:" + payload);

  3. Register the mobile device with the push notification service.

      MFPPushMessageResponse Response = await push.RegisterDevice(null);
      if (Response.Success == true)
          Debug.WriteLine("Push Notifications Registered successfully");
          Debug.WriteLine("Push Notifications Failed to register");

  4. (Optional) Un-register the mobile device from push notification service.

      MFPPushMessageResponse Response = await push.UnregisterDevice();
      if (Response.Success == true)
          Debug.WriteLine("Push Notifications Failed to unregister");
          Debug.WriteLine("Push Notifications Unregistered successfully");

  5. Remove WLClient.Push.IsPushSupported() (if used) and use push.IsPushSupported();
  6. Remove the following WLClient.Push API's:
    1. subscribeTag()
    2. unsubscribeTag()
    3. isTagSubscribed()
    4. WLOnReadyToSubscribeListener and WLNotificationListener implementation
  7. Subscribe to tags:

      String[] Tag = { "sample-tag1", "sample-tag2" };
      MFPPushMessageResponse Response = await push.Subscribe(Tag);
      if (Response.Success == true)
          Debug.WriteLine("Subscribed successfully");
          Debug.WriteLine("Failed to subscribe");

  8. (Optional) Unsubscribe from tags:

       String[] Tag = { "sample-tag1", "sample-tag2" };
      MFPPushMessageResponse Response = await push.Unsubscribe(Tag);
      if (Response.Success == true)
          Debug.WriteLine("Unsubscribed successfully");
          Debug.WriteLine("Failed to unsubscribe");


Remove WL.Server.sendMessage() (if used) in your adapter.

Complete the following steps for every application that was using the same event source:

  1. Set up the WNS credentials in the Push Settings page of MobileFirst Operations Console or use WNS Settings REST API.
  2. Add the scope push.mobileclient in Map Scope Elements to security checks section in the Security tab of MobileFirst Operations Console.
  3. Create push tags in the Tags page of MobileFirst Operations Console.
  4. We can also use the Push Message (POST) REST API with userId/deviceId/tagNames as target, to send notifications.

Parent topic: Native Windows Universal applications