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Migrate apps storing mobile data in Cloudant with IMFData or Cloudant SDK

We can store data for our mobile application in a Cloudant® database. Cloudant is an advanced NoSQL database that can handle a wide variety of data types, such as JSON, full-text, and geospatial data. The SDK is available for Java™ , Objective-C, and Swift.

CloudantToolkit and IMFData frameworks are discontinued in IBM MobileFirst Platform Foundation V8.0.0.

iOSUse the CDTDatastore SDK as a replacement for CloudantToolkit and IMFData frameworks.

AndroidUse the Cloudant Sync Android SDK as a replacement for CloudantToolkit and IMFData frameworks. With Cloudant Sync, we can persist data locally and replicate with a remote data store.

If we want to access remote stores directly, use REST calls in your application and refer to the Cloudant API Reference.

Cloudant versus JSONStore

You might consider using JSONStore instead of Cloudant in the following scenarios:

For more information about JSONStore, see JSONStore.

Parent topic: Migrating apps from earlier releases