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MobileFirst Server administration service configuration details

The administration service is packaged as a WAR application for us to deploy to the Liberty collective controller. We need to make some specific configurations for this application in the server.xml file of the Liberty collective controller.

Before proceeding, review Manual installation on WebSphere Application Server Liberty collective for the configuration details that are common to all services.

The administration service WAR file is in mfp_install_dir/MobileFirstServer/mfp-admin-service.war.

We can define the context root as we want. However, it is /mfpadmin by default.

Mandatory JNDI properties

When we define the JNDI properties, the JNDI names must be prefixed with the context root of the administration service. The following example illustrates the case to declare mfp.admin.push.url whereby the administration service is installed with /mfpadmin as the context root:

If the push service is installed, we must configure the following JNDI properties:

The JNDI properties for the communication with the configuration service are as follows:

For more information about the JNDI properties, see List of JNDI properties for MobileFirst Server administration service.

Data source

The JNDI name of the data source for the administration service must be defined as jndiName=<contextRoot>/jdbc/mfpAdminDS. The following example illustrates the case whereby the administration service is installed with the context root /mfpadmin, and that the service is using a relational database:

Security roles

Declare the following roles in the <application-bnd> element of the application:

Parent topic: Manual installation on WebSphere Application Server Liberty collective