For up-to-date product documentation, see the IBM MobileFirst Foundation Developer Center.
Sample configuration files
IBM MobileFirst™ Platform Foundation includes a number of sample configuration files to help you get started with the Ant tasks to install the MobileFirst Server.
The easiest way to get started with these Ant tasks is by working with the sample configuration files provided in the MobileFirstServer/configuration-samples/ directory of the MobileFirst Server distribution. For more information about installing MobileFirst Server with Ant tasks, see Install with Ant Tasks
List of sample configuration files
Pick the appropriate sample configuration file. The following files are provided
Table 1. Sample configuration files provided with IBM MobileFirst Platform Foundation Task Derby DB2® MySQL Oracle Create databases with database administrator credentials create-database-derby.xml create-database-db2.xml create-database-mysql.xml create-database-oracle.xml Install MobileFirst Server on Liberty configure-liberty-derby.xml configure-liberty-db2.xml configure-liberty-mysql.xml (See Note on MySQL) configure-liberty-oracle.xml Install MobileFirst Server on WebSphere® Application Server full profile, single server configure-was-derby.xml configure-was-db2.xml configure-was-mysql.xml (See Note on MySQL) configure-was-oracle.xml Install MobileFirst Server on WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment configure-wasnd-cluster-derby.xml configure-wasnd-server-derby.xml
configure-wasnd-cluster-db2.xml configure-wasnd-server-db2.xml
configure-wasnd-cluster-mysql.xml (See Note on MySQL) configure-wasnd-server-mysql.xml (See Note on MySQL)
configure-wasnd-node-mysql.xml (See Note on MySQL)
configure-wasnd-cluster-oracle.xml configure-wasnd-server-oracle.xml
Install MobileFirst Server on Apache Tomcat configure-tomcat-derby.xml configure-tomcat-db2.xml configure-tomcat-mysql.xml configure-tomcat-oracle.xml Install MobileFirst Server on Liberty collective Not relevant configure-libertycollective-db2.xml configure-libertycollective-mysql.xml configure-libertycollective-oracle.xml Note on MySQL: : MySQL in combination with WebSphere Application Server Liberty profile or WebSphere Application Server full profile is not classified as a supported configuration. For more information, see WebSphere Application Server Support Statement. Consider using IBM® DB2 or another database that is supported by WebSphere Application Server to benefit from a configuration that is fully supported by IBM Support.
Note on configuration files for WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment: The configuration files for wasnd contain a scope that can be set to cluster, node, server, or cell. For example, for configure-wasnd-cluster-derby.xml, the scope is cluster. These scope types define the deployment target as follows:
- cluster: To deploy to a cluster.
- server: To deploy to a single server that is managed by the deployment manager.
- node: To deploy to all the servers that are running on a node, but that do not belong to a cluster.
- cell: To deploy to all the servers on a cell.
Parent topic: Installation reference