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Install Application Center in WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment

To install Application Center in a set of WebSphere® Application Server Network Deployment servers, run IBM® Installation Manager on the machine where the deployment manager is running.


  1. When IBM Installation Manager prompts you to specify the database type, select any option other than Apache Derby. IBM MobileFirst™ Platform Foundation supports Apache Derby only in embedded mode, and this choice is incompatible with deployment through WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment.
  2. In the installer panel in which you specify the WebSphere Application Server installation directory, select the deployment manager profile.

    Attention: Do not select an application server profile and then a single managed server: doing so causes the deployment manager to overwrite the configuration of the server regardless of whether you install on the machine on which the deployment manager is running or on a different machine.

  3. Select the required scope depending on where we want Application Center to be installed. The following table lists the available scopes:

    Table 1. Selecting the required scope
    Scope Explanation
    Cell Installs Application Center in all application servers of the cell.
    Cluster Installs Application Center in all application servers of the specified cluster.
    Node (excluding clusters) Installs Application Center in all application servers of the specified node that are not in a cluster.
    Server Installs Application Center in the specified server, which is not in a cluster.

  4. Restart the target servers by following the procedure in Completing the installation.


The installation has no effect outside the set of servers in the specified scope. The JDBC providers and JDBC data sources are defined with the specified scope. The entities that have a cell-wide scope (the applications and, for DB2®, the authentication alias) have a suffix in their name that makes them unique. So, we can install Application Center in different configurations or even different versions of Application Center, in different clusters of the same cell.

Note: Because the JDBC driver is installed only in the specified set of application servers, the Test connection button for the JDBC data sources in the WebSphere Application Server administration console of the deployment manager might not work.

What to do next

We need to complete the following additional configuration:

Parent topic: Install Application Center with IBM Installation Manager