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For up-to-date product documentation, see the IBM MobileFirst Foundation Developer Center.

Set up push notifications for iOS

To set up push notifications for iOS devices, we must use the Apple Push Notification Service (APNs). To use APNs, we must be a registered Apple iOS Developer and obtain an APNs certificate for our application.

Before you begin

Ensure that the following servers are accessible from IBM MobileFirst™ Platform Foundation:


  1. Follow the required steps to obtain your APNs certificate and password. For more information, see the developerWorks® article Understanding and setting up artifacts required to use iOS devices and APNS in a development environment.
  2. We can set the certificates using any of the following methods:

  3. Install the Entrust CA root certificate by using SSL port 443.

    While you work in development mode, rename your certificate file to apns-certificate-sandbox.p12. When we move to production, rename your certificate file to apns-certificate-production.p12. In both cases, place the certificate file in the environment root folder or in the application root folder. When the hybrid application has both iPhone and iPad environments, separate certificates are necessary for push notification. In that case, place those certificates in the corresponding environment folders.

    Note: The environment root folder takes the highest priority.


Your push notification setup is now complete.

Parent topic: Set up push notifications