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For up-to-date product documentation, see the IBM MobileFirst Foundation Developer Center.

Adapters as Apache Maven projects

Maven repositories

Up-to-date Maven artifacts that support MobileFirst adapters are available at The Central Repository under the GroupId com.ibm.mfp. When we build a Maven project, Maven checks your pom.xml file to identify which dependency to download.

If your organization does not permit online access to The Central Maven Repository, set up a local repository to hold and share MobileFirst artifacts.

Java adapter Maven projects

When we create a new Java™ adapter, a Maven project with the following structure is produced:

Figure 1. Java adapter Maven project

JavaScript adapter Maven projects

When we create a new JavaScript adapter, a Maven project with the following structure is produced:

Figure 2. JavaScript adapter Maven project

Maven adapter artifacts

MobileFirst adapters contain three main artifacts, which are referenced in the pom.xml file:

Third-party Maven dependencies

Use Maven's dependency mechanism to package any artifact into the adapter. For information on limitations in using dependencies, see Adapters and third-party dependencies.


Parent topic: Develop the server side of a MobileFirst application