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For up-to-date product documentation, see the IBM MobileFirst Foundation Developer Center.

Acquiring the MobileFirst web SDK

Get a copy of the IBM MobileFirstâ„¢ Foundation web SDK for development of MobileFirst web applications.


We can get the MobileFirst web SDK by using either of the following methods:


You now have an SDK directory (ibm-mfp-web-sdk) with the required SDK files for developing a client MobileFirst web application.

What to do next

Add the required SDK files to an existing or new web application to add IBM MobileFirst Foundation capabilities and features, such as security, to the application. For an overview of the SDK modules and instructions for adding the modules to our application, see Add the MobileFirst SDK to web applications.

We can update your version of the MobileFirst web SDK, at any time, by running the following command from the root directory of your web application: npm update ibm-mfp-web-sdk. Remember that using npm requires Node js.

Parent topic: Develop web applications