For up-to-date product documentation, see the IBM MobileFirst Foundation Developer Center.
Define the target server of the MobileFirst Platform CLI
Before you start developing with MobileFirst Platform CLI, we must define the MobileFirst Server that we use for developing and testing.
The following procedure applies only when we use MobileFirst Development Server that is installed on another computer, or a MobileFirst Server other than MobileFirst Development Server with its default configuration. If we use MobileFirst Development Server locally on your computer, with its default configuration then this procedure does not apply to you.
If the MobileFirst Platform CLI target server is not configured, it connects to http://localhost:9080/mfpadmin with admin and admin as login credentials.
- Run mfpdev help server add to get a list of arguments to add a server.
- Run mfpdev server add with the arguments that you need.
- Run mfpdev server info to verify that the server is added.
To add a default MobileFirst Development Server that runs on the computer testserver.mydomain, run the command mfpdev server add myserver -url http://testerver.mydomain:9080 -login admin -password admin -contextroot mfpadmin -s.
Parent topic: Install the MobileFirst Platform CLI