For up-to-date product documentation, see the IBM MobileFirst Foundation Developer Center.
Implementing secure Direct Update on the client side
We can configure client applications to validate the authenticity of a Direct Update package that is downloaded from the MobileFirst Server or CDN.
For secure Direct Update to work, a user-defined keystore file must be deployed in MobileFirst Server and a copy of the matching public key must be included in the deployed client application. For more information, see Secure and non-secure Direct Update.
This topic describes how to bind a public key to new client applications and existing client applications that were upgraded. For more information on configuring the keystore in MobileFirst Server, see Configure the MobileFirst Server keystore.
The server provides a built-in keystore that can be used for testing secure Direct Update for development phases.
Note: After you bind the public key to the client application and rebuild it, you do not need to upload it again to the MobileFirst Server. However, if you previously published the application to the market, without the public key, we must republish it.
For development purposes, the following default, dummy public key is provided with MobileFirst Server:
-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY----- MIIDPjCCAiagAwIBAgIEUD3/bjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFADBgMQswCQYDVQQGEwJJTDELMAkGA1UECBMCSUwxETA PBgNVBAcTCFNoZWZheWltMQwwCgYDVQQKEwNJQk0xEjAQBgNVBAsTCVdvcmtsaWdodDEPMA0GA1UEAxMGV0wgRG V2MCAXDTEyMDgyOTExMzkyNloYDzQ3NTAwNzI3MTEzOTI2WjBgMQswCQYDVQQGEwJJTDELMAkGA1UECBMCSUwxE TAPBgNVBAcTCFNoZWZheWltMQwwCgYDVQQKEwNJQk0xEjAQBgNVBAsTCVdvcmtsaWdodDEPMA0GA1UEAxMGV0wg RGV2MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAzQN3vEB2/of7KAvuvyoIt0T7cjaSTjnOBm0N3+q zx++dh92KpNJXj/a3o4YbwJXkJ7jU8ykjCYvjXRf0hme+HGhiIVwxJo54iqh76skDS5m7DaseFdndZUJ4p7NFVw I5ixA36ZArSZ/Pn/ej56/RRjBeRI7AEGXUSGojBUPA6J6DYkwaXQRew9l+Q1kj4dTigyKL5Os0vNFaQyYu+bT2E vnOixQ0DXm94IqmHZamZKbZLrWcOEfuAsSjKYOdMSM9jkCiHaKcj7fpEZhUxRRs7joKs1Ri4ihs6JeUvMEiG4gK l9V3FP/Huy0pfkL0F8xMHgaQ4c/lxS/s3PV0OEg+7wIDAQABMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAA4IBAQAgEhhqRl2Rgkt MJeqOCRcT3uyr4XDK3hmuhEaE0nOvLHi61PoLKnDUNryWUicK/W+tUP9jkN5xRckdzG6TJ/HPySmZ7Adr6QRFu+ xcIMY+/S8j4PHLXBjoqgtUMhkt7S2/thN/VA6mwZpw4Ol0Pa2hyT2TkhQoYYkRwYCk9pxmuBCoH/eCWpSxquNny RwrY25x0YzccXUaMI8L3/3hzq3mW40YIMiEdpiD5HqjUDpzN1funHNQdsxEIMYsWmGAwOdV5slFzyrH+ErUYUFA pdGIdLtkrhzbqHFwXE0v3dt+lnLf21wRPIqYHaEu+EB/A4dLO6hm+IjBeu/No7H7TBFm -----END PUBLIC KEY-----
Important: Do not use the public key for production purposes. See Direct Update in development, testing, and production.
There are many tools available for generating certificates and extracting public keys from a keystore. The following example demonstrates the procedures with the JDK keytool utility and openSSL.
- Extract the public key from the keystore file that is deployed in the MobileFirst Server.
Note: The public key must be Base64 encoded. For example, assume that the alias name is mfp-server and the keystore file is keystore.jks.
- To generate a certificate, issue the following command:
keytool -export -alias mfp-server -file certfile.cert -keystore keystore.jks -storepass keypassword A certificate file is generated.
- Issue the following command to extract the public key:
openssl x509 -inform der -in certfile.cert -pubkey -noout
Note: Keytool alone cannot extract public keys in Base64 format.
- Perform one of the following procedures:
- Copy the resulting text, without the BEGIN PUBLIC KEY and END PUBLIC KEY markers into the mfpclient property file of the application, immediately after wlSecureDirectUpdatePublicKey.
- From the command prompt, issue the following command:
mfpdev app config direct_update_authenticity_public_key <public_key> For <public_key>, paste the text that results from Step 1, without the BEGIN PUBLIC KEY and END PUBLIC KEY markers.
- Run the cordova build command to save the public key in the application.
Parent topic: Update Cordova client apps directly