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Accessing containers using SSH
We can get the syslogs and Liberty logs by using Secure Shell (SSH) to access your MobileFirst Server and MobileFirst Analytics containers.
Before you begin
- SSH must be enabled for the container.
Tip: The SSH public key must be copied to the mfp-server\server\ssh folder before you run the script.
- Volume has been enabled so that the log files are persisted.
- We need the public IP address of the container.
If you are running a container group, we can bind a public IP address to each instance and view the logs securely using SSH. To enable SSH, make sure to copy the SSH public key to the mfp-server\server\ssh folder before you run the script.
- Make an SSH request to the container. Example: mylocal-workstation# ssh -i ~/ssh_key_directory/id_rsa root@public_ip
- Archive the log file location. Example:
- container_instance@root# cd /opt/ibm/wlp/usr/servers/mfp
- container_instance@root# tar czf logs_archived.tar.gz logs/
- Download the log archive to our local workstation. Example: mylocal-workstation# scp -i ~/ssh_key_directory/id_rsa root@public_ip:/opt/ibm/wlp/usr/servers/mfp/logs_archived.tar.gz /local_workstation_dir/target_location/
Parent topic: Accessing log files