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Securing container communication using a private IP address

To have secure communication between the MobileFirst Server container and the MobileFirst Analytics container, we must include the private IP address of the MobileFirst Analytics container in the mfpfProperties.xml file.

Before you begin

To complete this task, you need the private IP of the MobileFirst Analytics container, which we can obtain using the following command: cf ic inspect analytics_container_id. Look for the IP Address field in the command output.

Remember: If you are going to use MobileFirst Analytics, we must configure, build, and run the MobileFirst Analytics image before configuring, deploying, and running the MobileFirst Server image.


Complete the following steps by editing the mfpf-server/usr/config/mfpfproperties.xml file:

  1. Set the mfp.analytics.url property to the private IP address of the MobileFirst Analytics container. Example:

      <jndiEntry jndiName="mfp.analytics.url" value="http://AnalyticsContainerPrivateIP:9080/analytics-service/rest"/>

    Tip: When a private IP address changes, provide the new IP address in the mfpfproperties.xml file and rebuild and deploy the container by running the prepareserver.sh and starterserver.sh scripts respectively.

  2. To ensure that the MobileFirst Analytics console can be accessed on the network, set the mfp.analytics.console.url property to the public IP address of the MobileFirst Analytics container. Example:

      <jndiEntry jndiName="mfp.analytics.console.url" value="http://AnalyticsContainerPublicIP:9080/analytics/console"/>

Parent topic: Security configuration for IBM MobileFirst Platform Foundation on IBM Containers