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Accessing containers from the command line

We can access running MobileFirst Server and MobileFirst Analytics container instances from the command line to obtain logs and traces.

Before you begin


  1. Create an interactive terminal within the container instance by running the following command: cf ic exec -it container_instance_id "bash".
  2. To locate the log files or traces, use the following command example:

      container_instance@root# cd /opt/ibm/wlp/usr/servers/mfp 
      container_instance@root# vi messages.log

  3. To copy the logs to our local workstation, use the following command example:

      my_local_workstation# cf ic exec -it container_instance_id
       "cat" " /opt/ibm/wlp/usr/servers/mfp/messages.log" > /tmp/local_messages.log

Parent topic: Accessing log files