For up-to-date product documentation, see the IBM MobileFirst Foundation Developer Center.
Build and running the MobileFirst Analytics container
Use the scripts provided in the package installation directory under mfpf-analytics/scripts to build and run your customized image.
Before you begin
- Customization of the image has been completed.
Scripts can only be run from within the scripts folder. Do not modify the given folder structure.
The following methods are supported for passing parameters to the scripts:
- Command-line arguments (Usage: [-command|--command] ARGUMENT)
- Interactive method (By running the script with no command-line arguments.)
- Properties files (By customizing the related args/*.properties files.)
We can find information about the required and optional arguments in the properties files, such as the default values, input descriptions, and so forth. The script properties files are located in the following folders in the package_root/:
- mfpf-analytics/scripts/args
- mfpf-server/scripts/args
Example command execution usage: args/
In the following procedure, the first step describes how to retrieve a public IP address to bind to the container, which is a required argument when you run the script (as described in step 2).
- Retrieve and take note of a public IP address to bind to the container.
To get IP information, use Cloud Foundry CLI plug-in for IBM® Containers (cf ic) commands.
- To retrieve the list of IP addresses that are potentially available to you (based on user ID), run cf ic ip list.
The IP addresses that are listed with no corresponding container ID are available for use.
An IP address with a corresponding container ID indicates that the IP address is already in use. If all IP addresses are already in use, we can request a new IP address.
- To request a new IP address, run cf ic ip request.
- Run the following scripts in order:
- This script logs in to the container service. You must run this script before we can run any subsequent scripts.
- This script builds the analytics image with your customizations and deploys it to IBM Containers.
- The script runs the analytics image as a standalone container.
- The script runs the analytics image as a container group.
Parent topic: MobileFirst Analytics containers