For up-to-date product documentation, see the IBM MobileFirst Foundation Developer Center.
Resolving problems with IBM MobileFirst Platform Foundation deployed in IBM Containers or as Liberty for Java Cloud Foundry application on IBM Bluemix
When we are unable to resolve a problem encountered while working with IBM MobileFirst™ Platform Foundation on IBM® Containers, be sure to gather this key information before contacting IBM Support.
To help expedite the troubleshooting process, gather the following information:
- The version of IBM MobileFirst Platform Foundation that you are using (must be V8.0.0 or later) and any interim fixes that were applied.
- The container size selected. For example, Medium 2GB.
- The Bluemix® dashDB™ database plan type. For example, EnterpriseTransactional2.8.50.
- The container ID
- The public IP address (if assigned)
- Versions of docker and cloud foundry
- cf -v
- docker version
- The information returned from running the following Cloud Foundry CLI plug-in for IBM Containers (cf ic) commands from the organization and space where your IBM MobileFirst Platform Foundation container is deployed:
- cf ic info
- cf ic ps -a (If more than one container instance is listed, make sure to indicate the one with the problem.)
- If Secure Shell (SSH) and volumes were enabled during container creation (while running the script), collect all files in the following folders:
- /opt/ibm/wlp/usr/servers/mfp/logs
- /var/log/rsyslog/syslog
- If only volume was enabled and SSH was not, collect the available log information using the Bluemix dashboard. After you click on the container instance in the Bluemix dashboard, click the Monitoring and Logs link in the sidebar. Go to the Logging tab and then click ADVANCED VIEW. The Kibana dashboard opens separately. Using the search toolbar, search for the exception stack trace and then collect the complete details of the exception, @time-stamp, _id.
Parent topic: IBM MobileFirst Platform Foundation on cloud