For up-to-date product documentation, see the IBM MobileFirst Foundation Developer Center.
Customizing MobileFirst Analytics containers
Use the scripts provided in the V8.0.0 package to customize container images.
The folder where you extracted the contents of the V8.0.0 package is referred to in this document as the installation directory. The customizable elements for the MobileFirst Analytics container are located in package_root/mfpf-analytics/usr. See the following tables for details.
Table 1. Descriptions of the mfpf-analytics/ sub directories Folders and Files Description ./usr The root folder that contains the customization template for the MobileFirst Analytics container. ./usr/bin Contains the script file (mfp-init) that gets executed when the container starts. We can add custom code to the script, however, do not modify the existing code. ./usr/config Contains the server configuration fragments (keystore, server properties, user registry) used by MobileFirst Server. MobileFirst Analytics container. ./usr/jre-security Add JRE security-related files (such as the JRE truststore, policy .jar files, and so forth) to be updated on the container. The files in this folder get copied to the JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security/ folder in the container. ./usr/config/keystore.xml The configuration of the repository of security certificates used for SSL encryption. The keystore files referenced here should be provided as part of the ./usr/security folder ./usr/config/mfpfproperties.xml The configuration of the MobileFirst Analytics can be provided here. See the list of supported properties at Configuration properties. ./usr/config/registry.xml User registry configuration. By default provides the basicRegistry - a simple XML based user-registry configuration. The usernames / password for basicRegistry can be configured here. The registry can also be configured for ldapRegistry. ./usr/env/server.env The environment properties used by the server to initialize. Supported properties ./usr/security The keystore, truststore, and the LTPA keys (ltpa.keys) files should be placed in this folder. ./usr/ssh The file - the ssh public key file to enable ssh on the container.
*Do not modify the default port number. Read more in the following section.
Table 2. Server.env supported properties Property Name Default Value Description ANALYTICS_SERVER_HTTPPORT 9080* The port used for client HTTP requests. Use -1 to disable this port. ANALYTICS_SERVER_HTTPSPORT 9443* The port used for client HTTP requests secured with SSL (HTTPS). Use -1 to disable this port. ANALYTICS_ADMIN_GROUP analyticsadmingroup The name of the user group possessing the predefined role worklightadmin.
Port number limitation
There is currently an IBM® Containers limitation with the port numbers that are available for public domain. Therefore, the default port numbers given for the MobileFirst Analytics container and the MobileFirst Server container (9080 for HTTP and 9443 for HTTPS) cannot be altered. Containers in a container group must use HTTP port 9080. Container groups do not support the use of multiple port numbers or HTTPS requests.
Parent topic: MobileFirst Analytics containers