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For up-to-date product documentation, see the IBM MobileFirst Foundation Developer Center.

Customizing features (for experts): Android, iOS, Windows Phone

We can customize features by editing a central property file and manipulating some other resources.


To customize features: several features are controlled by a central property file called config.json in the directory IBMAppCenter/apps/AppCenter/common/js/appcenter/. If we want to change the default application behavior, we can adapt this property file before you build the project.


This file contains the properties shown in the following table.

Table 1. Properties in the config.js file
Property Description
url The hardcoded address of the Application Center server. If this property is set, the address fields of the Login view are not displayed.
defaultPort If the url property is null, this property prefills the port field of the Login view on a phone. This is a default value; the field can be edited by the user.
defaultContext If the url property is null, this property prefills the context field of the Login view on a phone. This is a default value; the field can be edited by the user.
ssl The default value of the SSL switch of the Login view.
allowDowngrade This property indicates whether installation of older versions is authorized or not; an older version can be installed only if the operating system and version permit downgrade,
showPreviousVersions This property indicates whether the device user can show the details of all the versions of applications or only details of the latest version.
showInternalVersion This property indicates whether the internal version is shown or not. If the value is false, the internal version is shown only if no commercial version is set.
listItemRenderer This property can have one of these values:

  • full, the default value; the application lists show application name, rating, and latest version.
  • simple: the application lists show the application name only.

listAverageRating This property can have one of these values:

  • latestVersion: the application lists show the average rating of the latest version of the application.
  • allVersions: the application lists show the average rating of all versions of the application.

requestTimeout This property indicates the timeout in milliseconds for requests to the Application Center server.
gcmProjectId The Google API project ID (project name = com.ibm.appcenter), which is required for Android push notifications; for example, 123456789012.
allowAppLinkReview This property indicates whether local reviews of applications from external application stores can be registered and browsed in the Application Center. These local reviews are not visible in the external application store. These reviews are stored in the Application Center server.

Other resources

Other resources that are available are application icons, application name, splash screen images, icons, and translatable resources of the application.

Parent topic: Preparations for using the mobile client