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Capturing custom data
We can instrument your app code to capture custom analytics.
An example demonstrates how to track page transitions within your app.
- On iOS, add the following code in the ViewController's viewDidLoad method.
NSArray *viewControllers = self.navigationController.viewControllers; NSUInteger numViewControllers = viewControllers.count; if (numViewControllers >= 2) { UIViewController *previous = [viewControllers objectAtIndex:(numViewControllers - 2)]; NSDictionary *metadata = @{@"fromPage": previous.title, @"toPage": self.title}; [[WLAnalytics sharedInstance] log:@"page transition" withMetadata:metadata]; }
On Android, add the following code in an Activity subclass onResume() method. String fromActivity = getIntent().getStringExtra("fromActivity"); JSONObject metadata = new JSONObject(); metadata.put("fromPage", fromActivity); metadata.put("toPage", "This Page"); WLAnalytics.log("page transition", metadata);
In JavaScript (Cordova), add the following code. // before showing the element identified by 'setting' $(document).on('pagebeforeshow', '#setting', function(e, obj) { WL.Analytics.log('page transition', { 'fromPage': obj.prevPage[0].id, 'toPage': obj.toPage[0].id }); });
For the web API, custom data is sent with the addEvent method. ibmmfpfanalytics.addEvent({'Purchases':'radio'}); ibmmfpfanalytics.addEvent({'src':'App landing page','target':'About page'});
Parent topic: Capturing analytics