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Enabling or disabling data collection from the MobileFirst Operations Console

After MobileFirst Analytics is installed and configured for our application server, we can enable or disable data collection from the MobileFirst Operations Console.

Before you begin

  1. Install and configure MobileFirst Analytics for our application server. For more information, see MobileFirst Analytics Server installation guide.
  2. Open the MobileFirst Operations Console as explained in Opening the MobileFirst Operations Console.

When we first open the console, the Dashboard view shows the current state of the selected runtime. In the Runtime status table, Analytics is displayed as active. By default, the collection of data for analysis by the Analytics server is enabled. We can disable it, for example to save processing time.

Note: Only the mfpadmin administrator role and the mfpdeployer deployer role are allowed to disable or re-enable data collection for Analytics. For more information about users and roles, see Configure user authentication for MobileFirst Server administration.


  1. In the navigation sidebar, click Runtime settings.

    To avoid inadvertent changes, runtime properties displayed in read-only mode.

  2. To make the settings editable, click the Edit button.

    If you logged in with a role other than administrator or deployer, the Edit button is not visible because you are not allowed to modify runtime properties.

  3. From the Data collection enabled drop-down menu, select false to disable data collection.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Click the Read Only button to lock the properties again.

Parent topic: Configure analytics from the MobileFirst Operations Console