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An attempt was made to set a property with an invalid name. Using any of the following settings results in this error:

  • The name contains an invalid character.
  • The name begins "JMS" or "usr.JMS" and the JMS property is not recognized.
  • The name begins "mq" in any mixture of lowercase or uppercase and is not "mq_usr" and contains more than one "." character (U+002E). Multiple "." characters are not allowed in properties with those prefixes.
  • Characters beyond the Unicode Basic Multilingual Plane (those above U+FFFF), represented in UTF-16 by surrogate code points (X'D800' through X'DFFF'), or four bytes in UTF-8, are not supported in message property names.
  • The name is "NULL", "TRUE", "FALSE", "NOT", "AND", "OR", "BETWEEN", "LIKE", "IN", "IS" and "ESCAPE" or is one of these keywords prefixed by "usr.".
  • The name begins with "Body" or "Root" (except for names beginning "Root.MQMD.").
  • A "." character must not be followed immediately by another "." character.
  • The "." character cannot be the last character in a property name.

Completion code


Programmer response

Valid property names are described in the IBM MQ documentation. Ensure that all properties in the message have valid names before reissuing the call.

Parent topic: API reason codes

Last updated: 2020-10-04