
An MQPUT or MQPUT1 call was issued, but the Report field in the message descriptor MQMD contains one or more options that are not recognized by the local queue manager. The options that cause this reason code to be returned depend on the destination of the message; see the description of REPORT in Report options and message flags for more details.

This reason code can also occur in the Feedback field in the MQMD of a report message, or in the Reason field in the MQDLH structure of a message on the dead-letter queue; in both cases it indicates that the destination queue manager does not support one or more of the report options specified by the sender of the message.

Completion code


Programmer response

Do the following:

  • Ensure that the Report field in the message descriptor is initialized with a value when the message descriptor is declared, or is assigned a value prior to the MQPUT or MQPUT1 call. Specify MQRO_NONE if no report options are required.
  • Ensure that the report options specified are valid; see the Report field described in the description of MQMD in Report options and message flags for valid report options.
  • If multiple report options are being set by adding the individual report options together, ensure that the same report option is not added twice.
  • Check that conflicting report options are not specified. For example, do not add both MQRO_EXCEPTION and MQRO_EXCEPTION_WITH_DATA to the Report field; only one of these can be specified.

Parent topic: API reason codes