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Reason codes and exceptions

We can use the following messages and reason codes to help you solve problems with the IBM MQ components or applications.

  • API completion and reason codes
    For each call, a completion code and a reason code are returned by the queue manager or by an exit routine, to indicate the success or failure of the call.
  • PCF reason codes
    Reason codes might be returned by a broker in response to a command message in PCF format, depending on the parameters used in that message.
  • Transport Layer Security (TLS) return codes
    IBM MQ can use TLS with the various communication protocols. Use this topic to identify the error codes that can be returned by TLS.
  • WCF custom channel exceptions
    Diagnostic messages are listed in this topic in numeric order, grouped according to the part of the WCF custom channel from which they originate.
  • JMS Exception Messages

Parent topic: IBM MQ Troubleshooting and support

Last updated: 2020-10-04