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Reporting problems with MQIPT

For to report a problem with MQIPT to the IBM Service Center, send relevant information that will help to resolve the problem more quickly.

Complete the following steps to obtain the required information:
  1. Synchronize the system clock on each computer involved, including all those running IBM MQ and MQIPT. This operation helps to match trace entries in different trace files.
  2. Move old trace files to a backup directory so that new trace files contain information related only to this problem.
  3. Run the client to reproduce the problem and create new trace files.
  4. Send a copy of all MQIPT .TRC, .FDC, and .log files. Also send a simple network diagram of all the computers used between the IBM MQ endpoints, including firewalls, routers, load balancers, and servers. For each computer, include its name, IP address, and relevant port numbers.

Parent topic: Troubleshooting IBM MQ Internet Pass-Thru

Last updated: 2020-10-04