Tracing errors in mqiptKeyman and mqiptKeycmd

The mqiptKeycmd and mqiptKeyman commands have an execution trace facility which can diagnose errors in the certificate management tools.

To enable trace for these commands, set the following environment variable before running the mqiptKeycmd or mqiptKeyman command:

  • On Windows systems:
    set MQIPT_JVM_OPTIONS=-Dkeyman.debug=true -Dkeyman.logging=true
  • On UNIX and Linux systems:
    MQIPT_JVM_OPTIONS="-Dkeyman.debug=true -Dkeyman.logging=true"

A trace file is created in the current working directory. The trace file name has the following format:

where n is an incrementing number starting at 0.

The user running the certificate management tool must have permission to create files in the current working directory, otherwise the command fails with an error.

After you have finished recording trace logs, unset the environment variable.

Parent topic: Troubleshooting IBM MQ Internet Pass-Thru