Configure data set encryption for the log data sets
How you configure the encryption on the log data sets.
Before starting
Ensure that we have read:- Overview of steps to encrypt an IBM MQ for z/OS data set, and carried out the procedure in
- Configure the data set encryption key for the queue manager
This method uses the DFP segment of a RACF
generic profile, so that we can use the encryption key for all new data sets that match the
Alternatively, we can configure and use an SMS data class, or the key label can be specified directly when allocating the data set.
As previously described, in this example, queue manager CSQ1 is run under user QMCSQ1, and has active log data sets CSQ1.LOGS.LOGCOPY1.DS001, CSQ1.LOGS.LOGCOPY1.DS002, and so on.
Create the generic profile if it does not exist, by issuing the following command:
- Permit the queue manager user alter access on the profile, by issuing the following
Also, permit the appropriate access needed for any administrative user. - Add the DFP segment with the encryption key label by issuing the following command:
Note: We must use the same encryption key that you used in configuring the data set encryption key for the queue manager. - Refresh the generic dataset profiles by issuing the following command:
- Rename each log data set to a backup, then recreate and restore the data, using
IDCAMS. The following JCL fragment converts CSQ1.LOGS.LOGCOPY1.DS001:
- Rename the data set to a back-up
//RENAME EXEC PGM=IDCAMS,REGION=0M //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSIN DD * /*-------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* RENAME DATASET TO BACKUP */ /*-------------------------------------------------------------*/ ALTER 'CSQ1.LOGS.LOGCOPY1.DS001' - NEWNAME('CSQ1.BAK.LOGS.LOGCOPY1.DS001')
- Redefine the data set. The new data set will be encrypted due to the RACF
profile.Note: Replace ++EXTDCLASS++ with the name of the extended format data class we want to use
for the data
//REDEFINE EXEC PGM=IDCAMS,REGION=0M //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSIN DD * /*-------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* REDEFINE THE DATASET */ /*-------------------------------------------------------------*/ DEFINE CLUSTER - (NAME(CSQ1.LOGS.LOGCOPY1.DS001) - LINEAR - SHAREOPTIONS(2 3) - MODEL(CSQ1.BAK.LOGS.LOGCOPY1.DS001) - DATACLAS(++EXTDCLASS++))
- Copy the data from the backup into the recreated data set. This step
encrypts the
//RESTORE EXEC PGM=IDCAMS,REGION=0M //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSIN DD * /*-------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* RESTORE DATA INTO ENCRYPTED LOG */ /*-------------------------------------------------------------*/ REPRO INDATASET(CSQ1.BAK.LOGS.LOGCOPY1.DS001) - OUTDATASET(CSQ1.LOGS.LOGCOPY1.DS001)
- Rename the data set to a back-up
What to do next
Repeat Step 5 for all active log data sets.Only a single encryption key is required, and all data sets can be associated with the same key label.
Restart queue manager CSQ1. Use the output from the DISPLAY LOG command to verify that the log data sets have been encrypted.
Parent topic: Example of how to encrypt queue manager active logs