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Plan security by topology

This section covers security in specific situations, namely for channels, queue manager clusters, publish/subscribe and multicast applications, and when using a firewall.

See the following subtopics for more information:

  • Channel authorization
    When you send or receive a message through a channel, we need to provide access to various IBM MQ resources. Message Channel Agents (MCAs) are essentially IBM MQ applications that move messages between queue managers, and as such require access to various IBM MQ resources to operate correctly.
  • Security for queue manager clusters
    Though queue manager clusters can be convenient to use, we must pay special attention to their security.
  • Security for IBM MQ Publish/Subscribe
    There are additional security considerations if we are using IBM MQ Publish/Subscribe.
  • Multicast security
    Use this information to understand why security processes might be needed with IBM MQ Multicast.

Parent topic: Plan for the security requirements

Last updated: 2020-10-04