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Channel Not Activated

Event name: Channel Not Activated.
Reason code in MQCFH: MQRC_CHANNEL_NOT_ACTIVATED (2296, X'8F8').
Channel cannot be activated.
Event description: This condition is detected when a channel is required to become active, either because it is starting, or because it is about to make another attempt to establish connection with its partner. However, it is unable to do so because the limit on the number of active channels has been reached. See the following:

  • MaxActiveChannels parameter in the qm.ini file for AIX .
  • MaxActiveChannels parameter in the Registry for Windows.
  • ACTCHL parameter on the ALTER QMGR command for z/OS .

The channel waits until it is able to take over an active slot released when another channel ceases to be active. At that time a Channel Activated event is generated.

Event type: Channel.
Platforms: All.

Event data


    Description: Name of the queue manager generating the event.
    Identifier: MQCA_Q_MGR_NAME.
    Data type: MQCFST.
    Maximum length: MQ_Q_MGR_NAME_LENGTH.
    Returned: Always.


    Description: Channel name.
    Identifier: MQCACH_CHANNEL_NAME.
    Data type: MQCFST.
    Maximum length: MQ_CHANNEL_NAME_LENGTH.
    Returned: Always.


    Description: Transmission queue name.
    Identifier: MQCACH_XMIT_Q_NAME.
    Data type: MQCFST.
    Maximum length: MQ_Q_NAME_LENGTH.
    Returned: For sender, server, cluster-sender, and cluster-receiver channel types only.


    Description: If the channel has successfully established a TCP connection, this is the Internet address. Otherwise it is the contents of the ConnectionName field in the channel definition.
    Data type: MQCFST.
    Maximum length: MQ_CONN_NAME_LENGTH.
    Returned: Only for commands that do not contain a generic name.

Parent topic: Event message descriptions

Last updated: 2020-10-04