Buffer manager codes (X'D7')

If a buffer manager reason code occurs that is not listed here, an internal error has occurred. Collect the following diagnostic items and contact the IBM support center.


  • A description of the actions that led to the error or, if applicable, either a listing of the application program or the input string to a utility program that was being run at the time of the error.
  • The console output for the period leading up to the error.
  • The queue manager job log.
  • The WebSphere MQ active log data set.
  • The system dump resulting from the error.
  • If we are using CICS , the CICS transaction dump output.
  • Appropriate WebSphere MQ, z/OS, Db2, CICS, and IMS service levels.


    An attempt to obtain storage for a buffer manager control block (the PANC) was unsuccessful. This is probably because there is insufficient storage in your region.

    System action

    The queue manager is terminated, an entry is written to SYS1.LOGREC, and a dump is produced. Registers 2 and 0 contain the return and reason codes from the STORAGE or GETMAIN request.

    System programmer response

    Check that we are running in a region that is large enough, and if not, reset the system and restart the queue manager. If this does not resolve the problem, note the register values, and contact the IBM support center.


    The name of the queue manager being restarted does not match the name recorded in a prior checkpoint log record.

    System action

    The queue manager is terminated, an entry is written to SYS1.LOGREC, and a dump is produced. This is preceded by message CSQP006I. Register 0 contains the name found in the log record. Register 2 contains the name of the queue manager being restarted.

    System programmer response

    Change the started task JCL procedure xxxxMSTR for the queue manager to name the appropriate bootstrap and log data sets.

    The print log utility, CSQ1LOGP, can be used to view checkpoint records. We might also find the MQ active log data set useful for problem determination.


    An attempt to obtain storage for a buffer manager control block (a PSET) was unsuccessful.

    System action

    The queue manager is terminated, an entry is written to SYS1.LOGREC, and a dump is produced. Registers 2 and 0 contain the return and reason codes from the STORAGE or GETMAIN request.

    System programmer response

    Restart the queue manager.

    Note the register values, and contact the IBM support center.


    An attempt to obtain storage for a buffer manager control block (a BHDR) was unsuccessful.

    System action

    The queue manager is terminated, an entry is written to SYS1.LOGREC, and a dump is produced. Registers 2 and 0 contain the return and reason codes from the STORAGE or GETMAIN request.

    System programmer response

    Restart the queue manager.

    Note the register values, and contact the IBM support center.


    An internal error has occurred during dynamic page set expansion.

    System action

    The current page set extend task is terminated, an entry is written to SYS1.LOGREC, and a dump is produced. No further attempt will be made to expand the page set until the queue manager is restarted. Subsequent dynamic page set extend requests for other page sets are processed.

    System programmer response

    Collect the items listed in Diagnostics and contact the IBM support center.


    An internal error has occurred.

    System action

    An entry is written to SYS1.LOGREC, and a dump is produced.

    System programmer response

    Collect the items listed in Diagnostics and contact the IBM support center.


    An attempt to obtain storage for the buffer pool was unsuccessful.

    System action

    The queue manager is terminated, an entry is written to SYS1.LOGREC, and a dump is produced. Register 2 contains the return code from the STORAGE, GETMAIN or IARV64 GETSTOR request. Register 3 contains the buffer pool number.

    System programmer response

    Provide sufficient storage for the number of buffers specified in the DEFINE BUFFPOOL command.

    If the buffer pool is backed by page fixed storage, that is it has a PAGECLAS of FIXED4KB, check that there is enough real storage available on the system. For more information, see Address space storage.

    If it is not possible to rectify the problem:

    • Alter the definition of the buffer pool in the CSQINP1 data set, to include the REPLACE attribute, and specify a smaller number of buffers, or
    • Change the PAGECLAS attribute to 4KB.


    An internal storage error has occurred.

    System action

    The queue manager is terminated, an entry is written to SYS1.LOGREC, and a dump is produced. Registers 2 and 3 contain the return and reason codes from the IARV64 GETSTOR request. Register 4 contains the buffer pool number.

    System programmer response

    Increase the value of the MEMLIMIT parameter.


    A critical process could not be started during queue manager initialization. This could be because there is insufficient storage in your region.

    System action

    The queue manager is terminated, an entry is written to SYS1.LOGREC, and a dump is produced. Register 0 contains the reason code for the error.

    System programmer response

    Check that we are running in a region that is large enough. If not, reset the system and restart the queue manager. If this does not resolve the problem, note the completion code and the reason code and contact the IBM support center.


    A critical process could not be started during queue manager initialization. This could be because there is insufficient storage in your region.

    System action

    The queue manager is terminated, an entry is written to SYS1.LOGREC, and a dump is produced. Register 0 contains the reason code for the error.

    System programmer response

    Check that we are running in a region that is large enough. If not, reset the system and restart the queue manager. If this does not resolve the problem, note the completion code and the reason code and contact the IBM support center.


    An internal cross-component consistency check failed.

    System action

    The request is terminated, an entry is written to SYS1.LOGREC, and a dump is produced. Register 0 contains the value in error.

    System programmer response

    Note the completion code and the reason code, collect the MQ active log data set, and contact the IBM support center.


    An I/O error has occurred.

    System action

    An entry is written to SYS1.LOGREC, and a dump is produced. Register 0 contains the Media Manager reason code from an MMCALL call. In some circumstances, the queue manager will terminate. (This depends on the nature of the error, and the page set on which the error occurred.)

    System programmer response

    Restart the queue manager if necessary.

    See the MVS/DFP Diagnosis Reference manual for information about return codes from the Media Manager. If we do not have access to the required manual, contact the IBM support center, quoting the Media Manager reason code.

    We might also find the MQ active log data set useful for problem determination.


    A page was about to be written to a page set, but was found to have improper format. The executing thread is terminated. (If this is the deferred write processor, the queue manager is terminated)

    System action

    The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6', and a dump is produced.

    System programmer response

    Restart the queue manager. If the problem persists collect the items listed in Diagnostics and contact the IBM support center.


    No buffers are available to steal. An executing thread needed a buffer in a buffer pool to bring a page in from the page set. The buffer pool is overcommitted, and despite attempts to make more buffers available, including writing pages to the page set, no buffers could be released.

    System action

    The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6'. The API request is terminated with reason code MQRC_UNEXPECTED_ERROR, with the aim of reducing demand for the buffer pool.

    System programmer response

    Determine the problem buffer pool from preceding CSQP019I and CSQP020E messages. Review the size of the buffer pool with the DISPLAY USAGE command. Consider increasing the size of the buffer pool using the ALTER BUFFPOOL command.


    An unrecoverable error has occurred during check point.

    System action

    The queue manager is terminated, an entry is written to SYS1.LOGREC, and a dump is produced. Register 0 contains the reason code for the error.

    System programmer response

    Restart the queue manager.

    Note the completion code and the reason code, collect the MQ active log data set, and contact the IBM support center.


    An internal consistency check failed.

    System action

    The request is terminated, an entry is written to SYS1.LOGREC, and a dump is produced.

    System programmer response

    Note the completion code and the reason code, collect the MQ active log data set, and contact the IBM support center.


    A critical process could not be started during queue manager initialization. This could be because there is insufficient storage in your region.

    System action

    The queue manager is terminated, an entry is written to SYS1.LOGREC, and a dump is produced. Register 0 contains the reason code for the error.

    System programmer response

    Check that we are running in a region that is large enough. If not, reset the system and restart the queue manager. If this does not resolve the problem, note the completion code and the reason code and contact the IBM support center.


    A critical process could not be started during queue manager initialization. This could be because there is insufficient storage in your region.

    System action

    The queue manager is terminated, an entry is written to SYS1.LOGREC, and a dump is produced. Register 0 contains the reason code for the error.

    System programmer response

    Check that we are running in a region that is large enough. If not, reset the system and restart the queue manager. If this does not resolve the problem, note the completion code and the reason code and contact the IBM support center.


    An attempt to allocate 64 bit storage for internal use failed.

    System action

    The queue manager is terminated.

    System programmer response

    Raise the value of the MEMLIMIT parameter. For more information, see Address space storage.


    An attempt to allocate storage for internal use failed. Register 2 contains the return code from the STORAGE request.

    System action

    The queue manager is terminated.

    System programmer response

    Provide sufficient storage. For more information, see Address space storage.


    An internal consistency check failed.

    System action

    The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6'.

    System programmer response

    Collect buffer manager problem determination information, and contact the IBM support center.

Parent topic: IBM MQ for z/OS codes