PubAccountingToken (MQBYTE32)
This is the value that will be in the AccountingToken field of the Message Descriptor (MQMD) of all publication messages matching this subscription. AccountingToken is part of the identity context of the message. For more information about message context, see Message context. For more information about the AccountingToken field in the MQMD, see AccountingToken (MQBYTE32)
We can use the following special value for the PubAccountingToken field:
No accounting token is specified.
The value is binary zero for the length of the field.
For the C programming language, the constant MQACT_NONE_ARRAY is also defined; this has the same value as MQACT_NONE, but is an array of characters instead of a string.
If the option MQSO_SET_IDENTITY_CONTEXT is not specified, the accounting token is generated by the queue manager as default context information and this field is an output field which contains the AccountingToken which will be set in each message published for this subscription.
If the option MQSO_SET_IDENTITY_CONTEXT is specified, the accounting token is being generated by the user and this field is an input field which contains the AccountingToken to be set in each publication for this subscription.
The length of this field is given by MQ_ACCOUNTING_TOKEN_LENGTH. The initial value of this field is MQACT_NONE.
If altering an existing subscription using the MQSO_ALTER option, the value of AccountingToken in any future publication messages can be changed.
On return from an MQSUB call using MQSO_RESUME, this field is set to the current AccountingToken being used for the subscription.
Parent topic: Fields for MQSD