Control the version of the structure

By default, the macros always declare the most recent version of each structure.

Although we can use the VERSION macro parameter to specify a value for the Version field in the structure, that parameter defines the initial value for the Version field, and does not control the version of the structure actually declared. To control the version of the structure that is declared, use the DCLVER parameter:

    The version declared is the current (most recent) version.

    The version declared is the version specified by the VERSION parameter. If we omit the VERSION parameter, the default is version 1.

    If you specify the VERSION parameter, the value must be a self-defining numeric constant, or the named constant for the version required (for example, MQCNO_VERSION_3). If you specify some other value, the structure is declared as if DCLVER=CURRENT had been specified, even if the value of VERSION resolves to a valid value.

The value specified must be uppercase. If we omit the DCLVER parameter, the value used is taken from the MQDCLVER global macro variable. We can set this variable using the CMQVERA macro. Parent topic: Structures