
Various macros are provided to help you to write assembler application programs that use the MQI.

There are two macros for named constants, and one macro for each of the structures. These files are summarized in Table 1.

File Contents
CMQA Named constants (equates) for main MQI
CMQCIHA CICS information header structure
CMQCNOA Connect options structure
CMQDLHA Dead letter header structure
CMQDXPA Data conversion exit parameter structure
CMQGMOA Get message options structure
CMQIIHA IMS information header structure
CMQMDA Message descriptor structure
CMQMDEA Message descriptor extension structure
CMQODA Object descriptor structure
CMQPMOA Put message options structure
CMQRFHA Rules and formatting header structure
CMQRFH2A Rules and formatting header structure version 2
CMQRMHA Reference message header structure
CMQTMA Trigger message structure
CMQTMC2A Trigger message structure (character format) version 2
CMQVERA Structure version control
CMQWIHA Work information header structure
CMQXA Named constants for data conversion exit
CMQXPA API crossing exit parameter structure
CMQXQHA Transmission queue header structure
Parent topic: System/390 assembler programming