fte:awaitoutcome Ant task

Waits for a fte:filecopy, fte:filemove, or fte:call operation to complete.


    Required. Identifies the transfer to await an outcome from. Typically, this is a property set by the idProperty attribute of the fte:filecopy, fte:filemove, or fte:call tasks.

    Required. Names a property to store the return code of the fte:awaitoutcome task in.

    Optional. The maximum amount of time, in seconds, to wait for the operation to complete. The minimum timeout is one second. If you do not specify a timeout value, the fte:awaitoutcome task waits forever for the outcome of the operation to be determined.


In this example a file copy is started, and its identifier is stored in the copy.id property. While the copy is progressing, other processing can take place. The fte:awaitoutcome statement is used to wait until the copy operation completes. The fte:awaitoutcome statement identifies which operation to wait for using the identifier stored in the copy.id property. The fte:awaitoutcome stores a return code indicating the outcome of the copy operation into a property called copy.result.
<-- issue a file copy request -->
<fte:filecopy cmdqm="qm1@localhost@1414@SYSTEM.DEF.SVRCONN"

<!-- do some other things -->

<!-- get the result of the file copy -->     
<fte:awaitoutcome id="${copy.id}" rcProperty="copy.result"/> 
Parent topic: fteAnt: run Ant tasks in MFT

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