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Example IBM MQ configuration for Linux

This section gives an example of how to set up communication links from IBM MQ for Linux to IBM MQ products.

The examples given are on the following platforms:

  • Windows
  • AIX
  • IBM i
  • z/OS

See Example IBM MQ configuration for all platforms for background information about this section and how to use it.

  • Establishing an LU 6.2 connection
    Use this worksheet to record the values we use for the configuration.
  • Establishing a TCP connection on Linux
    Some Linux distributions now use the extended inet daemon (XINETD) instead of the inet daemon (INETD). The following instructions tell you how to establish a TCP connection using either the inet daemon or the extended inet daemon.
  • IBM MQ for Linux configuration
    Before beginning the installation process ensure that we have first created the mqm user ID and the mqm group, and set the password.

Parent topic: Example IBM MQ configuration for all platforms

Last updated: 2020-10-04