Suspend Queue Manager Cluster

The Suspend Queue Manager Cluster (MQCMD_SUSPEND_Q_MGR_CLUSTER) command informs other queue managers in a cluster that the local queue manager is not available for processing, and cannot be sent messages. Its action can be reversed by the Resume Queue Manager Cluster (MQCMD_RESUME_Q_MGR_CLUSTER) command.

Required parameters

    ClusterName (MQCFST)
    Cluster name (parameter identifier: MQCA_CLUSTER_NAME).

    The name of the cluster for which availability is to be suspended.

    The maximum length of the string is MQ_CLUSTER_NAME_LENGTH.

    ClusterNamelist (MQCFST)
    Cluster Namelist (parameter identifier: MQCA_CLUSTER_NAMELIST).

    The name of the namelist specifying a list of clusters for which availability is to be suspended.

Optional parameters

    CommandScope (MQCFST)
    Command scope (parameter identifier: MQCACF_COMMAND_SCOPE). This parameter applies to z/OS only. Specifies how the command is processed when the queue manager is a member of a queue sharing group. We can specify one of the following:

    • blank (or omit the parameter altogether). The command is processed on the queue manager on which it was entered.
    • a queue manager name. The command is processed on the queue manager you specify, providing it is active within the queue sharing group. If you specify a queue manager name other than the queue manager on which it was entered, we must be using a queue sharing group environment, and the command server must be enabled.

    The maximum length is MQ_QSG_NAME_LENGTH.

    Mode (MQCFIN)
    How the local queue manager is suspended from the cluster (parameter identifier: MQIACF_MODE). The value can be:

      Other queue managers in the cluster are told not to send further messages to the local queue manager.

      All inbound and outbound channels to other queue managers in the cluster are stopped forcibly.

    Note: This parameter was previously called Quiesce (MQIACF_QUIESCE), with values MQQO_YES and MQQO_NO. The old names can still be used.

Error codes

This command might return the following error codes in the response format header, in addition to the values shown in Error codes applicable to all commands.

    Reason (MQLONG)
    The value can be any of the following values:

      Cluster name conflict.

      Mode value not valid.

Parent topic: Definitions of the Programmable Command Formats