Reset CF Structure on z/OS

The Reset coupling facility (CF) Structure (MQCMD_RESET_CF_STRUC) command modifies the status of a specific application structure.

Required parameters

    CFStructName (MQCFST)
    The name of the coupling facility application structure that we want to reset (parameter identifier: MQCA_CF_STRUC_NAME). The maximum length of the string is MQ_CF_STRUC_NAME_LENGTH.

    Action (MQCFIN)
    The action to perform to reset the named application structure (parameter identifier: MQIACF_ACTION).

      A structure failure is simulated and the status of the application structure is set to FAILED. Note: Failing a structure deletes all nonpersistent messages stored in the structure, and makes the structure unavailable until recovery is complete. Structure recovery can take a long time to complete. Therefore, this action should be used only in a situation where we can resolve a problem with the structure by forcing the structure to be reallocated and recovered.

Parent topic: Definitions of the Programmable Command Formats