Inquire Cluster Queue Manager (Response)

The response to the Inquire Cluster Queue Manager (MQCMD_INQUIRE_CLUSTER_Q_MGR) command consists of three parts. The response header is followed by the QMgrName structure and the requested combination of attribute parameter structures.

    Always returned:
    ChannelName, ClusterName, QMgrName,

    Returned if requested:
    AlterationDate , AlterationTime , BatchHeartbeat , BatchInterval , BatchSize , ChannelDesc , ChannelMonitoring , ChannelStatus , ClusterDate , ClusterInfo , ClusterTime , CLWLChannelPriority , CLWLChannelRank , CLWLChannelWeight , ConnectionName , DataConversion , DiscInterval , HeaderCompression , HeartbeatInterval , KeepAliveInterval , LocalAddress , LongRetryCount , LongRetryInterval , MaxMsgLength , MCAName , MCAType , MCAUserIdentifier ,
    MessageCompression, ModeName, MsgExit, MsgRetryCount, MsgRetryExit, MsgRetryInterval, MsgRetryUserData, MsgUserData, NetworkPriority, NonPersistentMsgSpeed, Password, PutAuthority, QMgrDefinitionType, QMgrIdentifier, QMgrType, ReceiveExit, ReceiveUserData, SecurityExit, SecurityUserData, SendExit, SendUserData, SeqNumberWrap, ShortRetryCount, ShortRetryInterval, SSLCipherSpec, SSLClientAuth, SSLPeerName, Suspend, TpName, TransmissionQName, TransportType, UseDLQ, UserIdentifier, Version

Response data

    AlterationDate (MQCFST)
    Alteration date, in the form yyyy-mm-dd (parameter identifier: MQCA_ALTERATION_DATE).

    The date at which the information was last altered.

    AlterationTime (MQCFST)
    Alteration time, in the form (parameter identifier: MQCA_ALTERATION_TIME).

    The time at which the information was last altered.

    BatchHeartbeat (MQCFIN)
    The value being used for the batch heartbeat (parameter identifier: MQIACH_BATCH_HB).

    The value can be 0 - 999,999. A value of 0 indicates that the batch heartbeat is not being used.

    BatchInterval (MQCFIN)
    Batch interval (parameter identifier: MQIACH_BATCH_INTERVAL).

    BatchSize (MQCFIN)
    Batch size (parameter identifier: MQIACH_BATCH_SIZE).

    ChannelDesc (MQCFST)
    Channel description (parameter identifier: MQCACH_DESC).

    The maximum length of the string is MQ_CHANNEL_DESC_LENGTH.

    ChannelMonitoring (MQCFIN)
    Online monitoring data collection (parameter identifier: MQIA_MONITORING_CHANNEL). The value can be:

      Online monitoring data collection is turned off for this channel.

      The value of the queue manager's ChannelMonitoring parameter is inherited by the channel. MQMON_Q_MGR is the default value.

      Online monitoring data collection is turned on, with a low rate of data collection, for this channel unless the queue manager's ChannelMonitoring parameter is MQMON_NONE.

      Online monitoring data collection is turned on, with a moderate rate of data collection, for this channel unless the queue manager's ChannelMonitoring parameter is MQMON_NONE.

      Online monitoring data collection is turned on, with a high rate of data collection, for this channel unless the queue manager's ChannelMonitoring parameter is MQMON_NONE.

    ChannelName (MQCFST)
    Channel name (parameter identifier: MQCACH_CHANNEL_NAME).

    The maximum length of the string is MQ_CHANNEL_NAME_LENGTH.

    ChannelStatus (MQCFIN)
    Channel status (parameter identifier: MQIACH_CHANNEL_STATUS). The value can be:

      Channel is negotiating with the partner.

      Channel is not active.

      Channel is waiting to become active.

      Channel is transferring or waiting for messages.

      Channel is paused.

      Channel is in process of stopping.

      Channel is reattempting to establish connection.

      Channel is stopped.

      Requester channel is requesting connection.

      Channel is initializing.

    This parameter is returned if the channel is a cluster-sender channel ( CLUSSDR ) only.

    ClusterDate (MQCFST)
    Cluster date, in the form yyyy-mm-dd (parameter identifier: MQCA_CLUSTER_DATE).

    The date at which the information became available to the local queue manager.

    ClusterInfo (MQCFIN)
    Cluster information (parameter identifier: MQIACF_CLUSTER_INFO).

    The cluster information available to the local queue manager.

    ClusterName (MQCFST)
    Cluster name (parameter identifier: MQCA_CLUSTER_NAME).

    ClusterTime (MQCFST)
    Cluster time, in the form (parameter identifier: MQCA_CLUSTER_TIME).

    The time at which the information became available to the local queue manager.

    CLWLChannelPriority (MQCFIN)
    Channel priority (parameter identifier: MQIACH_CLWL_CHANNEL_PRIORITY).

    CLWLChannelRank (MQCFIN)
    Channel rank (parameter identifier: MQIACH_CLWL_CHANNEL_RANK).

    CLWLChannelWeight (MQCFIN)
    Channel weighting (parameter identifier: MQIACH_CLWL_CHANNEL_WEIGHT).

    ConnectionName (MQCFST)
    Connection name (parameter identifier: MQCACH_CONNECTION_NAME).

    The maximum length of the string is MQ_CONN_NAME_LENGTH. On z/OS, it is MQ_LOCAL_ADDRESS_LENGTH.

    DataConversion (MQCFIN)
    Specifies whether sender must convert application data (parameter identifier: MQIACH_DATA_CONVERSION). The value can be:

      No conversion by sender.

      Conversion by sender.

    DiscInterval (MQCFIN)
    Disconnection interval (parameter identifier: MQIACH_DISC_INTERVAL).

    HeaderCompression (MQCFIL)
    Header data compression techniques supported by the channel (parameter identifier: MQIACH_HDR_COMPRESSION). The values specified are in order of preference.

    The value can be one, or more, of

      No header data compression is performed.

      Header data compression is performed.

    HeartbeatInterval (MQCFIN)
    Heartbeat interval (parameter identifier: MQIACH_HB_INTERVAL).

    KeepAliveInterval (MQCFIN)
    KeepAlive interval (parameter identifier: MQIACH_KEEP_ALIVE_INTERVAL). This parameter applies to z/OS only.

    LocalAddress (MQCFST)
    Local communications address for the channel (parameter identifier: MQCACH_LOCAL_ADDRESS).

    The maximum length of the string is MQ_LOCAL_ADDRESS_LENGTH.

    LongRetryCount (MQCFIN)
    Long retry count (parameter identifier: MQIACH_LONG_RETRY).

    LongRetryInterval (MQCFIN)
    Long timer (parameter identifier: MQIACH_LONG_TIMER).

    MaxMsgLength (MQCFIN)
    Maximum message length (parameter identifier: MQIACH_MAX_MSG_LENGTH).

    MCAName (MQCFST)
    Message channel agent name (parameter identifier: MQCACH_MCA_NAME).

    The maximum length of the string is MQ_MCA_NAME_LENGTH.

    MCAType (MQCFIN)
    Message channel agent type (parameter identifier: MQIACH_MCA_TYPE). The value can be:


      Thread ( Windows only).

    MCAUserIdentifier (MQCFST)
    Message channel agent user identifier (parameter identifier: MQCACH_MCA_USER_ID).

    The maximum length of the string is MQ_USER_ID_LENGTH.

    MessageCompression (MQCFIL)
    Message data compression techniques supported by the channel (parameter identifier: MQIACH_MSG_COMPRESSION). The values specified are in order of preference.

    The value can be one, or more, of:

      No message data compression is performed.

      Message data compression is performed using run-length encoding.

      Message data compression is performed using ZLIB encoding with speed prioritized.

      Message data compression is performed using ZLIB encoding with compression prioritized.

    ModeName (MQCFST)
    Mode name (parameter identifier: MQCACH_MODE_NAME).

    The maximum length of the string is MQ_MODE_NAME_LENGTH.

    MsgExit (MQCFST)
    Message exit name (parameter identifier: MQCACH_MSG_EXIT_NAME).

    The maximum length of the string is MQ_EXIT_NAME_LENGTH.

    On Multiplatforms, more than one message exit can be defined for a channel. If more than one message exit is defined, the list of names is returned in an MQCFSL structure instead of an MQCFST structure.

    On z/OS, an MQCFSL structure is always used.

    MsgRetryCount (MQCFIN)
    Message retry count (parameter identifier: MQIACH_MR_COUNT).

    MsgRetryExit (MQCFST)
    Message retry exit name (parameter identifier: MQCACH_MR_EXIT_NAME).

    The maximum length of the string is MQ_EXIT_NAME_LENGTH.

    MsgRetryInterval (MQCFIN)
    Message retry interval (parameter identifier: MQIACH_MR_INTERVAL).

    MsgRetryUserData (MQCFST)
    Message retry exit user data (parameter identifier: MQCACH_MR_EXIT_USER_DATA).

    The maximum length of the string is MQ_EXIT_DATA_LENGTH.

    MsgUserData (MQCFST)
    Message exit user data (parameter identifier: MQCACH_MSG_EXIT_USER_DATA).

    The maximum length of the string is MQ_EXIT_DATA_LENGTH.

    On Multiplatforms, more than one message exit user data string can be defined for a channel. If more than one string is defined, the list of strings is returned in an MQCFSL structure instead of an MQCFST structure.

    On z/OS, an MQCFSL structure is always used.

    NetworkPriority (MQCFIN)
    Network priority (parameter identifier: MQIACH_NETWORK_PRIORITY).

    NonPersistentMsgSpeed (MQCFIN)
    Speed at which non-persistent messages are to be sent (parameter identifier: MQIACH_NPM_SPEED). The value can be:

      Normal speed.

      Fast speed.

    Password (MQCFST)
    Password (parameter identifier: MQCACH_PASSWORD). This parameter is not available on z/OS.

    If a nonblank password is defined, it is returned as asterisks. Otherwise, it is returned as blanks.

    The maximum length of the string is MQ_PASSWORD_LENGTH. However, only the first 10 characters are used.

    PutAuthority (MQCFIN)
    Put authority (parameter identifier: MQIACH_PUT_AUTHORITY). The value can be:

      Default user identifier is used.

      Context user identifier is used.

      The user identifier from the UserIdentifier field of the message descriptor is used. Any user ID received from the network is not used. This value is valid only on z/OS.

      The default user identifier is used. Any user ID received from the network is not used. This value is valid only on z/OS.

    QMgrDefinitionType (MQCFIN)
    Queue manager definition type (parameter identifier: MQIACF_Q_MGR_DEFINITION_TYPE). The value can be:

      A cluster-sender channel from an explicit definition.

      A cluster-sender channel by auto-definition.

      A cluster-receiver channel.

      A cluster-sender channel, both from an explicit definition and by auto-definition.

    QMgrIdentifier (MQCFST)
    Queue manager identifier (parameter identifier: MQCA_Q_MGR_IDENTIFIER).

    The unique identifier of the queue manager.

    QMgrName (MQCFST)
    Queue manager name (parameter identifier: MQCA_CLUSTER_Q_MGR_NAME).

    The maximum length of the string is MQ_Q_MGR_NAME_LENGTH.

    QMgrType (MQCFIN)
    Queue manager type (parameter identifier: MQIACF_Q_MGR_TYPE). The value can be:

      A normal queue manager.

      A repository queue manager.

    ReceiveExit (MQCFST)
    Receive exit name (parameter identifier: MQCACH_RCV_EXIT_NAME).

    The maximum length of the string is MQ_EXIT_NAME_LENGTH.

    On Multiplatforms, more than one receive exit can be defined for a channel. If more than one receive exit is defined, the list of names is returned in an MQCFSL structure instead of an MQCFST structure.

    On z/OS, an MQCFSL structure is always used.

    ReceiveUserData (MQCFST)
    Receive exit user data (parameter identifier: MQCACH_RCV_EXIT_USER_DATA).

    The maximum length of the string is MQ_EXIT_DATA_LENGTH.

    On Multiplatforms, more than one receive exit user data string can be defined for a channel. If more than one string is defined, the list of strings is returned in an MQCFSL structure instead of an MQCFST structure.

    On z/OS, an MQCFSL structure is always used.

    SecurityExit (MQCFST)
    Security exit name (parameter identifier: MQCACH_SEC_EXIT_NAME).

    The maximum length of the string is MQ_EXIT_NAME_LENGTH.

    SecurityUserData (MQCFST)
    Security exit user data (parameter identifier: MQCACH_SEC_EXIT_USER_DATA).

    The maximum length of the string is MQ_EXIT_DATA_LENGTH.

    SendExit (MQCFST)
    Send exit name (parameter identifier: MQCACH_SEND_EXIT_NAME).

    The maximum length of the string is MQ_EXIT_NAME_LENGTH.

    On Multiplatforms, more than one send exit can be defined for a channel. If more than one send exit is defined, the list of names is returned in an MQCFSL structure instead of an MQCFST structure.

    On z/OS, an MQCFSL structure is always used.

    SendUserData (MQCFST)
    Send exit user data (parameter identifier: MQCACH_SEND_EXIT_USER_DATA).

    The maximum length of the string is MQ_EXIT_DATA_LENGTH.

    On Multiplatforms, more than one send exit user data string can be defined for a channel. If more than one string is defined, the list of names is returned in an MQCFSL structure instead of an MQCFST structure.

    On z/OS, an MQCFSL structure is always used.

    SeqNumberWrap (MQCFIN)
    Sequence wrap number (parameter identifier: MQIACH_SEQUENCE_NUMBER_WRAP).

    ShortRetryCount (MQCFIN)
    Short retry count (parameter identifier: MQIACH_SHORT_RETRY).

    ShortRetryInterval (MQCFIN)
    Short timer (parameter identifier: MQIACH_SHORT_TIMER).

    SSLCipherSpec (MQCFST)
    CipherSpec (parameter identifier: MQCACH_SSL_CIPHER_SPEC).

    The length of the string is MQ_SSL_CIPHER_SPEC_LENGTH.

    SSLClientAuth (MQCFIN)
    Client authentication (parameter identifier: MQIACH_SSL_CLIENT_AUTH). The value can be:

      Client authentication required

      Client authentication is optional.

    Defines whether IBM MQ requires a certificate from the TLS client.

    SSLPeerName (MQCFST)
    Peer name (parameter identifier: MQCACH_SSL_PEER_NAME).

    The length of the string is MQ_SSL_PEER_NAME_LENGTH. On z/OS, it is MQ_SHORT_PEER_NAME_LENGTH.

    Specifies the filter to use to compare with the distinguished name of the certificate from the peer queue manager or client at the other end of the channel. (A distinguished name is the identifier of the TLS certificate.) If the distinguished name in the certificate received from the peer does not match the SSLPEER filter, the channel does not start.

    Suspend (MQCFIN)
    Specifies whether the queue manager is suspended (parameter identifier: MQIACF_SUSPEND). The value can be:

      The queue manager is not suspended from the cluster.

      The queue manager is suspended from the cluster.

    TpName (MQCFST)
    Transaction program name (parameter identifier: MQCACH_TP_NAME).

    The maximum length of the string is MQ_TP_NAME_LENGTH.

    TranmissionQName (MQCFST)
    Transmission queue name (parameter identifier: MQCA_XMIT_Q_NAME). The cluster transmission queue used by the queue manager.

    The maximum length of the string is MQ_Q_NAME_LENGTH.

    TransportType (MQCFIN)
    Transmission protocol type (parameter identifier: MQIACH_XMIT_PROTOCOL_TYPE). The value can be:

      LU 6.2.





    Determines whether the dead-letter queue is used when publication messages cannot be delivered to their correct subscriber queue (parameter identifier: MQIA_USE_DEAD_LETTER_Q).

    UserIdentifier (MQCFST)
    Task user identifier (parameter identifier: MQCACH_USER_ID). This parameter is not available on z/OS.
    The maximum length of the string is MQ_USER_ID_LENGTH. However, only the first 10 characters are used.

    Version (MQCFST)
    The version of the IBM MQ installation that the cluster queue manager is associated with. (parameter identifier: MQCA_VERSION). The version has the format VVRRMMFF:
    VV: Version
    RR: Release
    MM: Maintenance level
    FF: Fix level

Parent topic: Definitions of the Programmable Command Formats