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Installing IBM MQ server silently on IBM i

We can perform a non-interactive installation of IBM MQ using the CALL PGM(QSYS/QLPACAGR) command. A non-interactive installation is also known as a silent, or unattended installation.

Before starting

Before starting the installation procedure, make sure that we have completed the necessary steps outlined in Preparing the system on IBM i.

About this task

This topic describes the non-interactive installation of a server.


  1. Pre-agree the license terms and conditions for the base by running the command,
    CALL PGM  ( QSYS/QLPACAGR) PARM ('5724H72' 'V9R1M0' '0000' 0)
    Where the parameters of PARM are,

      The product identifier for IBM i.

      The version, release, and modification level.

      The option number for the IBM MQ product.

      Unused error structure.

  2. Optionally pre-agree the license terms and conditions for the samples by running the command,
    CALL PGM (QSYS/QLPACAGR) PARM ('5724H72' 'V9R1M0' '0001' 0)
    Where the parameters of PARM are,

      The product identifier for IBM i.

      The version, release, and modification level.

      The option number for the IBM MQ product.

      Unused error structure.

  3. Install IBM MQ for IBM i, V9.0 base product, and primary language.
    RSTLICPGM LICPGM (5724H72) DEV (installation device) OPTION (*BASE) OUTPUT (*PRINT)
    where the parameters of RSTLICPGM are,

      The product identifier for IBM i.

      DEV(installation device)
      The device from which the product is to be loaded, typically an optical drive, for example, OPT01.

      OPTION (*BASE)
      Install the base IBM MQ for IBM i product.

      Unspecified parameters
      Unspecified parameters, such as RSTOBJ (*ALL), revert to defaults. The command installs both IBM MQ and the language files for the primary language of our system. For installing additional languages, see step 4.

  4. Optional: Install the samples using the command:
    RSTLICPGM LICPGM (5724H72) DEV (installation device) OPTION (1) OUTPUT (*PRINT)
    Where the parameters of RSTLICPGM are,

      LICPGM (5724H72)
      The product identifier for IBM i.

      DEV (installation device)
      The device from which the product is to be loaded, typically an optical drive, for example, OPT01.

      OPTION (1)
      Install the samples for IBM i.

      The output is printed with the spooled output of the job.

  5. Optional: To install additional languages, sign on to the system with a user profile that has *ALLOBJ special authority. Choose a language code from the table.

    Language ID Language
    2909 Belgian English
    2966 Belgian French MNCS (Multi-National Character Set)
    2980 Brazilian Portuguese
    2981 Canadian French MNCS
    2975 Czech
    2924 English uppercase and lowercase
    2984 English US DBCS
    2938 English US uppercase DBCS
    2928 French
    2940 French MNCS
    2929 German
    2939 German MNCS
    2976 Hungarian
    2932 Italian
    2942 Italian MNCS
    2962 Japanese
    2930 Japanese Universal
    2986 Korean
    2978 Polish
    2979 Russian
    2989 Simplified Chinese
    2931 Spanish

    • If installing Japanese language feature code 2962, ensure the CCSID of the job installing the product is set to 939 and not 930. Do this to avoid problems with invariant lowercase characters in CCSID 930
      CHGJOB CCSID(939)
    • If the language feature code is not in the table then the product has not been translated into your language. We must choose one of the available language feature codes and install that version instead. We must manually change the system library list to use IBM MQ in that language load.

      See also How a language of our choice is displayed for licensed programs in How a language is displayed for IBM i functions in the IBM i product documentation.

    • If we are using Korean DBCS and you configure your terminal emulators to 24*80 sessions you might find that EDTF incorrectly displays DBCS characters in MQ error log messages that extend beyond 80 columns. To avoid this, configure your terminal emulators to use sessions capable of displaying 132 columns, for example 27*132.
    • Issue the following command specifying the appropriate language ID:
      RSTLICPGM LICPGM(5724H72) DEV( installation device ) RSTOBJ(*LNG) LNG( language ID )
      This installs the commands, message file, and panel groups into the relevant QSYS library for the language. For example, library QSYS2928 is used for French. If this QSYS29nn library does not exist, it is created by the RSTLICPGM command.

  6. To ensure that the product has loaded correctly, issue the Display Software Resources (DSPSFWRSC) command and check that the licensed program 5724H72 is listed. If we have installed the base and the optional samples, you see:
    ID       Option Feature Description
    5724H72  *BASE  5050    IBM MQ for IBM i
    5724H72  *BASE  2924    IBM MQ for IBM i
    5724H72  1      5050    IBM MQ for IBM i - Samples
  7. Press F11, while viewing the Display Software Resources screen, and you see the library and version number of the products installed:
    Resource         Feature
    ID       Option Feature  Type    Library  Release
    5724H72  *BASE  5050     *CODE   QMQM     V9R2M0
    5724H72  *BASE  2924     *LNG    QMQM     V9R2M0
    5724H72  1      5050     *CODE   QMQMSAMP V9R2M0
  8. If we have installed additional language versions, you also see entries for these versions. For example, if you have installed the French version, for which the language ID is 2928, you see:

    1. Resource
      ID       Option Feature Description
      5724H72  *BASE  2928    IBM MQ for IBM i
    2. and when you press F11:
      Resource         Feature
      ID       Option Feature  Type    Library   Release
      5724H72  *BASE  2928     *LNG    QSYS2928  V9R2M0

  9. Use the command DSPMQMVER to check exactly what version you have installed. For V9R2M0, it reports:
  10. Do the post installation tasks of checking for updates, checking program authorities and starting the IBM MQ subsystem, see Performing post installation tasks for IBM MQ on IBM i.

What to do next

To see how the installation went in more detail, perform one or more of the following tasks:

  • View the log file using the DSPJOBLOG command.
  • View the spoolfile generated from the RSTLICPGM command.

If the installation of IBM MQ fails, see Handling installation failures for IBM i.

Parent topic: Installing IBM MQ server on IBM i

Last updated: 2020-10-04