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Check for problems after installing

There are some optional tasks used to check the installation if you believe there was a problem, or to verify installation messages after an unattended (silent) installation for example.

About this task

Use these steps as a guide to check the following files for messages:


  1. Check MSI nnnnn.LOG. This file is in your user Temp folder. It is an application log that contains English messages written during installation. The log includes a message indicating whether the installation was successful and complete.

    This file is created if you have set up default logging.

  2. If we used the launchpad to install IBM MQ, check MQv9_Install_YYYY-MM-DDTHH-MM-SS.log in your user Temp folder, where:

      This is the year that you installed IBM MQ

      This is the month that you installed IBM MQ, for example this would be 09 if you installed in September

      This is the day that you installed IBM MQ

      This is the time at which IBM MQ was installed

    We can get to your user Temp directory by entering the following command at the command prompt:

     cd %TEMP%
  3. Check amqmjpse.txt. This file is in the IBM MQ data files folder (default C:\ProgramData\IBM\MQ ). It is an application log that contains English messages written during installation by the Prepare IBM MQ Wizard.

What to do next

Verify your installation, as described in Verify an IBM MQ installation on Windows.

Parent topic: Installing IBM MQ server on Windows

Last updated: 2020-10-04