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Resolving problems with a telemetry channel

If a telemetry channel fails to start, stops unexpectedly, or drops client connections, there are a few things to consider to diagnose the problem.


  • Your telemetry channel fails to start.

    Refresh the Telemetry Channels Content view, and ensure that the channel is not currently running.

    Check that the port number of the telemetry channel is not in use by another application.

  • A telemetry channel stops unexpectedly.

    Ensure that the telemetry (MQXR) service is still running.

  • The telemetry channel drops MQTT client connections.

    For more information about MQTT clients being dropped unexpectedly, see Resolving problems if your MQTT client disconnects unexpectedly.

  • We cannot view the status of a telemetry channel.

    Check that the telemetry channel in question is running.

    Ensure that the MQTT clients are connected to the correct telemetry channel. Check the port number and host name on the client matches that of the telemetry channel.

    If we have set up your own filter in the telemetry Channel Status Window, revert to the default of Standard for Telemetry Channel Status and check that the required MQTT clients are displayed.

  • We cannot run the MQTT client utility from a telemetry channel.

    If you choose to perform authentication using TLS or JAAS, we cannot launch the MQTT client utility from that telemetry channel. This is because the MQTT client utility does not support TLS or JAAS authentication. However, we can write your own MQTT v3 client application to support JAAS or TLS authentication.

  • The Telemetry Channels folder does not display any channels, or the channel you created.

    Check that we have successfully created a telemetry channel using either the Define sample configuration wizard (which creates the PlainText channel), or the New Telemetry Channel wizard (which creates a channel according to your specifications).

    Check that the filtering option is set to the telemetry channel default of Standard for Telemetry Channels.

Parent topic: Troubleshooting MQ Telemetry using IBM MQ Explorer

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Last updated: 2020-10-04