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Telemetry channel status attributes

As with IBM MQ, we can view the status of a telemetry channel. For each attribute, there is a brief description of what information the attribute is used for. All of the telemetry channel status attributes are read-only.

The following table provides the descriptions of telemetry channels status attributes:

Attribute Meaning
Channel name The name of the telemetry channel definition.
Client ID The identifier of the client.
Status The status of the client, which can be Running or Disconnected.
Indoubt in The number of indoubt inbound messages to the server. Indoubt inbound messages are messages that have been received by the server but have not completed the acknowledgments with the client.
Indoubt out The number of indoubt outbound messages from the server. Indoubt outbound messages are messages that have been sent by the server but have not had acknowledgments of receipt from the client.
Connection name The name of the remote connection. The connection name is always an IP address, or it could be localhost (
MQTT keep alive The interval in milliseconds after which the client is disconnected because of inactivity. If the MQXR service does not receive any communication from the client within the keep alive interval, it disconnects from the client. This interval is calculated based on the MQTT keep alive time sent by the client when it connects.
MCA user ID The message channel agent user identification string. It is the user identifier (1-12 characters) to be used by the MCA for authorization to access IBM MQ resources. If this property is specified, the user name supplied by the client is not used for IBM MQ authorization.
Messages sent The number of messages sent by the telemetry channel to the client since the most recent client connection session.
Messages received The number of messages received by the telemetry channel from the client since the most recent client connection session.
Last message time The time the last message was sent or received.
Channel start time The time the telemetry channel was started.
Pending out The number of outbound pending messages on the telemetry channel waiting to be sent to the MQTT client.
Channel start date The date the telemetry channel was started.
Parent topic: MQ Telemetry reference

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Last updated: 2020-10-04