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Start and stop a telemetry channel

A telemetry channel is automatically started when it is created. It stops when the queue manager or MQXR service is stopped. We can also start and stop a telemetry channel manually.

A telemetry channel also stops when it is purged. Purging a telemetry channel disconnects all the MQTT clients connect to it, cleans up the state of the MQTT clients, and stops the telemetry channel. Cleaning the state of a client involves deleting all the pending publications, and removing all the subscriptions from the client.

Before starting

Ensure that the MQXR service is defined and running.


Start or stop a telemetry channel manually, by performing the following steps:

  1. In the Navigator view, expand the Telemetry folder.
  2. Click Channels.
  3. In the Content view, select the telemetry channel we want to start or stop.
  4. Right-click the selected telemetry channel, then click Start or Stop.


The telemetry channel starts or stops depending on what action you performed. Note: To purge a telemetry channel, right-click the selected channel and click Purge. Parent topic: Administer MQ Telemetry using IBM MQ Explorer

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Last updated: 2020-10-04