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Implications of running the sample configuration

When you run the Define sample configuration wizard, IBM MQ objects are defined. Some of these objects alter the behavior of the queue manager, and we should be aware of how these objects affect the queue manager and its communication links.

Running the Define sample configuration wizard sets the default transmit queue of the queue manager to SYSTEM.MQTT.TRANSMIT.QUEUE, which takes precedence over an existing default transmit queue, if one existed on that queue manager.

Defining the default transmit queue to be the MQTT transmit queue, enables IBM MQ applications to send point-to-point messages to MQTT clients without the need to create a separate queue manager alias for every client. Messages destined for MQTT clients are routed through the MQTT transmit queue on the queue manager, to the MQTT client with a client identifier that matches the queue manager name that the message is sent to. IBM MQ queue managers perceive MQTT clients as though they were remote queue managers.

If you had previously used an IBM MQ default transmit queue to route messages to other queue managers, we must explicitly create alternative routes (for example, by defining queue manager aliases) before running the sample configuration or manually configuring your queue manager to enable the Telemetry feature.

Running the sample configuration causes MQTT clients to access IBM MQ resources with user name Guest on Windows, and nobody on Linux .

Parent topic: Troubleshooting MQ Telemetry using IBM MQ Explorer

Last updated: 2020-10-04