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MQ Telemetry objects

This information provides details on MQ Telemetry objects which include: telemetry channels, telemetry channel status objects, and the MQXR service.

  • MQXR service
    The IBM MQ Extended Reach (MQXR) service is a TCP/IP listener that is installed as a IBM MQ service. It runs when a queue manager starts or stops.
  • Telemetry channels
    A Telemetry channel is a communication link between a queue manager on IBM MQ, and MQTT clients. Each channel might have one or more telemetry devices connected to it.
  • Telemetry channel status objects
    A telemetry channel status object is an MQTT client that collects information from telemetry devices attached to it and sends the information to IBM MQ.

Parent topic: Use MQ Telemetry

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Last updated: 2020-10-04