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Registering as a subscriber

To register your interest in receiving publications, you must register with the broker as a subscriber on the topics in which we are interested.

Before starting

Note: This information is for IBM WebSphere MQ Version 6.0 queue managers only. Before you start:

About this task

To register as a subscriber:


  1. Ensure that we have the following object authorities:

    Object Authority
    The broker's control queue (SYSTEM.BROKER.CONTROL.QUEUE) Put
    The stream queues to which you publish messages Browse
    The subscriber queue that will receive the publications Put
  2. In the Navigator view, expand the queue manager that hosts the broker with which we want to register as a subscriber, then click the Topics folder. The existing topics on the broker are shown in the Content view.
  3. Start the Register Subscriber wizard:

    • If the topic already exists, right-click the topic then click Register Subscriber...
    • If the topic does not already exist, right-click the Topics folder, then click Register Subscriber...

    The Register Subscriber wizard opens.

  4. Work through the wizard to register as a subscriber on the topic on which we want to receive messages.


The Content view updates to show the total number of publishers that are registered to publish on the topic.

What to do next

  1. View a list of registered subscribers.
  2. Send and receive test publications.

Parent topic: Configure publish/subscribe for IBM WebSphere MQ Version 6.0 queue managers

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Last updated: 2020-10-04