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Finding the accumulated authorities of an entity on an object

We can find and view the accumulated authorities of an entity. The accumulated effect of the authorities of an entity on an object affects whether the entity can perform operations on the object.

About this task

When you view the authority records that have been created on a specific object (for example, a queue called Q2) in the Manage Authority Records dialog, we can see what authorities have been explicitly granted to the user or group (the entity) on that object; we can also see which generic profiles apply to that object and whether the entity has authority records against any of the generic profiles. We cannot, however, easily see the accumulated effect of those authorities, which is ultimately what affects whether the entity can perform operations on the object.

We can find and view the accumulated authorities of an entity on an object in any of the following ways:

The accumulated authorities for the entity are displayed in the first row of the table; the other rows display all of the authority records that contribute to the accumulated authorities. If one authority record contains an authority to perform a particular operation (for example, to put messages on the queue), the accumulated authorities allow the entity to perform that operation.

We can edit one or more of the authority records that contribute to the accumulated authorities. We can also remove an authority record from in the Find Accumulated Authorities dialog. Be aware, however, that removing an authority record might revoke authorities from the user or group (or from any users in the group) that is associated with that record.

Parent topic: Manage object authorities with an authorization service

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Last updated: 2020-10-04