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Create a subcontext

A subcontext is a subdivision of a JNDI namespace and can contain connection factories and destinations as well as other subcontexts. We can create subcontexts within initial contexts or within other subcontexts.

About this task

A subcontext extends the initial context's naming convention. The extended naming convention is used to organize the administered objects in the JNDI namespace.

To create a new subcontext within an initial context or within another subcontext, complete the following steps.


  1. In the Navigator view, right-click the initial context or subcontext in which we want to create the new subcontext, then click New > Subcontext... The New Subcontext dialog opens.
  2. Type a name for the new subcontext, then click OK.


The new subcontext is displayed in the Navigator view, under the initial context or subcontext in which you created it.

Parent topic: Create and configure JMS administered objects

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Last updated: 2020-10-04