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Display SMDS status attributes

Information about the interaction between the shared message data sets (SMDS) for the named structure and the queue manager. The displayed properties are read only properties.

Display SMDS

This table lists the read only properties that are shown on the Display SMDS page of the coupling facility structures dialog.

Property Meaning MQSC parameter
Queue manager name Read only: Name of the queue manager associated with the shared message data set. SMDS
Coupling facility name Read only: Name of coupling facility associated with the shared message data set. CFSTRUCT
Number of buffers Read only: This value displays the current setting on buffers allocated for accessing shared message data sets. DSBUFS
Expand data set Read only: This value provides information on the current setting for the expansion of the data set. DSEXPAND

Display SMDS connections

This table lists the read only properties that are shown on the Display SMDS connections page of the coupling facility structures dialog.

Property Meaning MQSC Parameter
Queue manager name Read only: Name of queue manager associated with the shared message data set. SMDSCONN
Coupling facility name Read only: Name of coupling facility associated with the shared message data set. CFSTRUCT
Availability Read only: This value displays the availability of the data set connection as seen by the queue manager. AVAIL
Expansion status Read only: This value displays the data sets automatic expansion status. EXPANDST
Open mode Read only: This value displays the mode in which the data set is currently open by the queue manager. OPENMODE
Status Read only: This value displays the connection status as seen by the queue manager. STATUS
Parent topic: Status attributes

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Last updated: 2020-10-04